Sawyer turned one on Friday ... it was such a bittersweet day. Although being induced into labor a year ago seems like forever ago, it just doesn't seem possible that our baby boy is heading toward toddler-dom. Seeing all the pictures of itty bitty newborns just doesn't seem right either, he's getting to be a big boy (I will not cry, I will not cry ...)! TOO big if you ask me! He has become quite inquisitive the last few weeks. He's very active and we have re-learned about all the no-no's in our house lately. He's always climbing, "organizing," and dumping out as much as he can. Little lovey.
Before I get ahead of myself, I want to remember all the fun things he's doing lately.
- I can't believe I'm saying this, but we haven't been at the doctor in over a month! So I'm actually not sure of his weight. I do know he's gained some because his little clothes are fitting more snug, but I need to check out his weight.
-He is wearing mainly size 12M clothes, some 18M, but those are mostly hand-me-downs from Dalton that have been laundered a bunch ... And I have a tendency to reduce the size of things in the dryer. :/
-He is still in size 4 diapers.
- Still has his same 8 toofies- four on top, four on bottom. However, he's had a major fussy bug the last few days, on top of some yucky tummy trouble leading me to think we may be getting some more shortly. Or just a bug ... yay.
- He goes to sleep between 8-8:30 every night and wakes up around 8:30 every morning. The last few days he has wayyyy slept in. Yesterday he didn't wake up until 9:30 and today 10! But, like I said, he's had some kind of bug.
-We left formula in the dust right before he hit the 11 month mark, the transition to whole milk was super easy. He drinks about 24oz a day in his sippy cups. We also are all done with baby food ... right now his favorite foods are bananas, blueberry pancakes, grapes, turkey, avocado, scrambled eggs, and mac 'n cheese. Also, after yesterdays trip to the Donut shop, I'm pretty sure we can add donut holes to the list. More on that to come ... :)
-After he took his first steps right before his 11 month birthday, the last week he has really started taking off. And now I would say he walks more than he crawls (when we're inside). But, if he is really eager to get somewhere he drops down to crawl as quickly as possible.
-He's still climbing ... everywhere. Lord. Have. Mercy.
- Really not saying much these days ... we have the "Dada" down and that's about it. He'll babble Momma, but I can't guarantee he's saying that on purpose. He'll mimic what we say ... but that's about it. It'll come. :)
-Loves his family, especially his brother and sister. And I can't even begin to tell how much he loves that daddy! I don't think any of my babies have been more head-over-heels like Sawyer is (at this age). He just is OBSESSED!! Sweetest thing!
Dropping him off in the church nursery has just been terrible! He acts like we are just the worst! And when we pick him up he loses it again remembering that we left him all over again!
-He is the silliest little thing! He laughs all day and lives to dance. I turn music on several times a day so he can just go to town. So stinkin' funny.
Here are some of my favorite pics of us this year.
Already in love.
Just a few weeks old ... no telling how much time we spent in this same spot. :)
Our first trip to NYC! You were a DREAM baby the whole time!
A trip to Hot Springs to look at all the lights in Garvan Gardens. You were definitely enamored with all the lights!
6 Months old! At one of Aunt Ray Ray's wedding showers.
Your first trip to the beach! You woke up every morning by 5 so we walked up and down the beach every morning. I actually ended up liking it by the end of the week!
Finding out you were FINALLY going to get tubes for your little ears this summer! No more ear infections!!
Dear Sawyer,
I am so in love with your sweet self I can't stand it! You are just delightfully darling and perfectly precious. I love your giggles and high pitched squeals and amazing dance moves. You are so loved by our family and we have had a blast this past year! It was definitely overwhelming at first, but I think we've got it figured out now. Since the big kids are going to school this week we're going to have a lot more time to play! Can't wait little boo!!!
I love you to the top of your blonde curls, to the bottom of your tippy toes!
Sawyer slept in on his birthday and then we packed up to head to the donut shop. He scarfed down a whole dozen donut holes and CHOCOLATE milk. I told my mother-in-law that he acted like it was the best thing he'd ever had, and she said, "it probably was!" She's probably right! Nevertheless, he LOVED his birthday breakfast.
He kicked and squealed with every bite. Cutest. Thing. Ever.
Then we left for the park ...
He had a great birthday with our fam and geared up for his par-tay the next day!