Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Festivities!

Oh.My.Goodness.Gracious. That was quite possibly the craziest week of my life!! I am just now feeling like I can breathe again and we are still in the midst of it!
It all started Wednesday, which was Christmas Eve. I spent the day cleaning my house and getting ready for the busy week ahead. I also thought that it would be a good idea to get a spray tan for Haley's wedding that weekend and so the pics of me are a wee bit on the orange tan. You can't shower for like 10 hours and so I was sporting my "Oompa Loompa Tan" at church that night too. Every time I came into the room where Aaron was he would start singing "oompa loompa doompity doom ..." MmmHmmm.... Thanks babe. We headed to Mom's for the Christmas Eve service and Dinner with my family. The service was great and the kids behaved wonderfully. I think the Christmas Eve service took longer than we thought and we didn't end up eating until 9:00 ... WHEW! We didn't even have time to play Christmas games with my fam before rushing out the door to get home and ready for Santa. Here are a few pics from that night though.





Then we went home and Aaron was up until 4:30 a.m. putting together Avery's little wooden kitchen for Christmas. When I came in about 1:30a.m. he only had all the pieces organized and gave me the most pitiful look and said "will you make me some mac n' cheese?" Hilarious. But I'm pretty sure it was completely worth it- Avery was THRILLED! She has not stopped playing with it yet. Aaron's parents came over about 8:30 Christmas morning and we opened presents and had the best time. Here are some pics of that morning.




So this was probably my favorite Christmas EVER!! Truly!! It was just so much fun watching the kiddos!! After We ate breakfast we went to Aaron's grandmother's (Bobo) house to eat lunch and have Christmas there! It was so fun too! We played games and the kids opened gifts and it was just such a wonderful laid back Christmas!

Here are some pics from Bobo's house!







So that was our Christmas in a nutshell! It was seriously one of my favorites ever! Sorry it has taken me so long to get this post out, I tend to run late on almost everything. Including taking my Christmas Decor down ....... blah- def my #1 priority this weekend!!!!

Hope everyone is enjoying a wonderful New Year!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It's My Birthday and I'll do what I want to ... Thanks.

So Today I am turning 23 years old ... I feel a wee bit too old to be 23, but don't even want to THINK about being 25, so I'll be OK with 23.

Because it is my birthday, in honor of myself, I will post a survey off of Beth Moore's daughter, Amanda's, blog and pretend she tagged me. I will also pretend I tagged all my blogging friends, because I don't know how to do that.

Here goes,

8 TV Shows I Watch:
1) The Backyardigans (WAY too much, but I actually like them ... is that bad??)
2) The Today Show ... everyday
3)The Office ... It's my quality time with Aaron.
4)Friday Night Lights
5)Brothers and Sisters
6)The Hills (shh... don't tell)
7) Divine Design
8)I am desperately waiting on new seasons of the Bachelor and Big Brother.

8 Favorite Restaurants:
1) Shang-ri-La cafe
2) Capers
3) The Flying Fish
4) Mexico Chiquito
5) Gina's Sushi
6) Outback
7) The Dixie Cafe
8) Macaroni Grill

8 Things that Happened to Me Today:
1) I turned 23.
2) Changed Avery's Diaper.
3) Changed Dalton's Diaper.
4) Cried over birthday cards.
5) Cyber-Stalking (personal fave).
6) Drank a delicious cup of coffee with wonderful Pumpkin Spice Creamer.
7) Watched the Backyardigans
8) Built a fire, aka threw a fire log in the fireplace.

8 Things I Look Forward To:
1) Rachel getting home from college today.
2) Cantina Laredo for lunch.
3) Experiencing Christmas with Avery.
4) Going through the Holidays without being pregnant, totally underrated.
5) Starting up the mother-daughter bible study learning about the book of Esther.
6) Haley's wedding festivities this month.
7) Dalton sleeping through the night ... Whew.
8) Another cup of coffee.

8 Things I Wish For:

1) That my hair would never be dirty and always look naturally fabulous.
2) For Rachel to get here safe and sound.
3) That Avery would choose to obey ... not going so well.
4) That my children will love Jesus more than anything else in the world.
5) For Target to come and tell me that I'm their #1 customer and in return they are giving me a lifetime of free merchandise.
6) An iPhone
7) That I will have the energy and "want-to" to make a huge veggie garden this spring.
8) That we are not about to enter a Great Depression.

Now for my birthday wish I wish you would all watch Bon Qui Qui ... one of my personal heroes.

Monday, December 15, 2008

It's Snowing!!!!!!

So it seems we are going to be snowed in at Mom and Dad's SWEET!! I love it when this happens. Mom and Sarah Baker just ran out the door to Wal-Mart to get stuff for Chicken Enchiladas and all the fixin's. Totally pumped. My mouth is watering thinking about it.

My skin is oh-so dry this time of year though- so that's a bummer. My Memaw told me the other day that she was watching GMA and Diane Sawyer (who I think is absolutely beautiful) said she uses bar soap instead of liquid soap because liquid dries your skin out ---- WHATTTTTT?!?!?!!?!?!?! I always thought the opposite. Maybe it's one of those highly disputed things in life. Kinda like whether to put your baby on his back or tummy. Moms pretty much get in fist fights over that. My babies are tummy sleepers. They have always slept so much better that way. Moms across cyber-space are shaking their heads right now. Well lift up your dropped jaws and be glad I posted such deep thoughts today.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Skidda marinky dinky dink ...

Can I just say that half the reason I'm blogging right now is to distract me, because I've found myself WAY too interested in the "Britney Spears: For the Record" documentary ... I need to do something productive.
Well, I haven't posted in a couple weeks ... it's been crazy around here, however at the same time I'm sure I couldn't tell you 5 things that has happened! Oh well, such is my life!
Friday night we had a few couples over to the house for dinner. We made homemade pizza and played Apples to Apples, it was quite a grand time. However all day we had been having problems with our water heater (which we just bought less than a year ago). I guess the pilot light wouldn't stay lit or something. ANYWAY after Aaron and Ben (my bro-in-law) left to get Ben's stuff another guy there was in the guest bath and said he smelled gas ... so at about 11 p.m. we uprooted and drove to LR to bed down at Ben and Sarah Baker's- CRAZY!! It was SO crazy! But because they were up so late they stayed up, they slept until 10!! Amazing .....................

Here is our latest scoop ...

AVERY is saying more and more things everyday! She points out everything on your face "eye, nose, mouth, teeth, ear, hair," She is calling more people by name "Maw" (aaron's mom), "Dee" (my mom) and last night we were waving bye to Ben and she yelled out "Ben" We loved it!! She is also just so ... aware right now. Sarah Baker asked if she'd get her a diaper when she was changing Dalton's diaper. She went in to the other room, got in the diaper door and brought the diaper and wipes. She's brilliant.

This is a pic of her today after Emerson's basket-ball game. She is dead asleep with a ring pop in her mouth, no that is not a passy, it's a ring pop.


DALTON is just as happy as ever. I keep thinking that he's teething, but I can't feel any teeth in there. He rolls all over the place and is dying to sit up. I know he wants to so bad, but he's too dang big for his baby muscles to hold up. He is quite ticklish and LOVES Miss Avery. A couple days ago I was running errands with Mom and the babies and both of them fell asleep. I looked in the back and they were both asleep and HOLDING HANDS! Never have I ever, ....

Here is a pic of Bubba tonight. I think I scared him trying to get his attention for the pic. Hilarious


Final Thought ...

I was kinda reading through one of my old Beth Moore studies the other day called "Living Beyond Yourself" which is my favorite one of all time. It's on the fruit of the spirit. In there there is one part about telling you that when everything comes crashing down your Prince Charmng on a White Horse is coming ... and here's the verses that she gave with it. Goosebumps, seriously goosebumps.

Revelation 19:11-16

I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful an True. With justice he judges and makes war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. He is dressed in robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. "He will rule them with an iron scepter." He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Applause of Heaven!

So this week was "Baptism Sunday" at our church. I, and my 3 siblings, was baptized! My dad baptized Rachel, Emerson and I, and Sarah Baker's hubby, Ben, baptized her. I think I had kinda down-played it because everyone I know had been baptized, but after doing it I can honestly say it was one of the most special days of my life. It was just ... special. I just absolutely loved it.
I think there will be a "flicker" site soon that show the baptisms, so I'll post that soon. However we were next to last so you might get to watch a whole bunch before you see us.
Oh Lordy, kiddos- gotta go! More later, pics to come!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Gobble Gobble

Well I have recently been reprimanded by Caroline because I haven't updated my blog. I think I kinda kept waiting on something exciting to happen to blog about and then I realized ... we lead a pretty low key life these days.
However, I am just LOVING fall this year. FURTHERMORE, I'm loving hunting season this year. Every weekend Aaron, Ben, Dad, and Emerson leave to go hunting so all the girls camp out at Mom's. We make fun cocktails, girl food, and just do fun girly things (except for Holiday House, that was a disaster).
Yesterday was Thanksgiving and I must say it was one of my favorite Turkey Days in quite a while. Honestly, I've never really liked Thanksgiving before. It's true. I just thought it was such a man Holiday. All the women spend days slaving in the kitchen to talk the men into coming in from the woods or out from in front of the TV to eat food that I don't even particularly like ... sweet potatoes, oyster dressing, dry turkey, and so on. HOWEVER this year I loved everything we made and we had a laid back, family and fun-filled Thanksgiving. And even though both of my kiddos were sick, we still had a fun day! By 10:00 Avery came and grabbed my hand, dragging me into Mom and Dad's room. She pointed at the bed and started saying "nigh nigh." She folded her little hands under her head and closed her eyes ... this has never ever happened. I took her up, put her in her bed and she went right to sleep... crazy.
I did take Dalton to the doctor Wednesday and the child weighed 21 pounds ... Avery who is over a year older, weighs 25 pounds and is in the 75% for her age group ... Should I be concerned??
He also is not really acting all that interested in formula. I guess I'm going to have to persevere with the nursing, even though it's getting old. HOWEVER if he is teething, I'm done, WAY done.
Today is "Black Friday" and I am not leaving the house. Sarah Baker wanted us to go shopping- NO WAY JOSE. I can't imagine anything worse than taking these babies out in the double stroller with those crowds. Even though I wonder if people are really shopping as much this year...
I'm pretty sure it's 12:45 and I'm still in my PJs - is that horrible?
Aaron has gone to the grocery store to get the ingredients to make a "honey bun cake." I'm pretty sure it's a gluttonous sin to cook anything with the fridge being as jam-packed with left overs as it is, but he wants it. Apparently a lady brought one to his office the other day and he hasn't stopped talking about it in 3 days. His grandmother even called me today to ask for the recipe so she could try it herself. For anyone who's interested here is the recipe..... (I also have to add it's from which makes me laugh)


1 box yellow cake

4 eggs

8 ounces sour cream

2/3 cup vegetable oil

1 cup brown sugar

1 tablespoon cinnamon


1/2 cup powdered sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla

1/2 cup milk


Combine yellow cake mix, eggs, sour cream, and vegetable oil. Mix together and pour half in a 9x13 inch pan. Mix brown sugar and cinnamon. Sprinkle over half of batter in pan. Pour rest of batter over brown sugar mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes. Topping: combine powdered sugar, vanilla and milk. While cake is warm poke holes in cake with toothpick. Pour topping over cake.

OK, so it looks like I'll be baking that today ... I'll let you know how it turns out. Well I guess I'll leave you with some pics of our fun Thanksgiving night ...

Oh but p.s.- Sunday my sisters, brother and I are getting baptized at our church ... YAY!! 9 am service in the worship center for all you Fellowshipians...

Ok I'm really signing out now ....

Nothing like Red Roosters on Thanksgiving ... quite the Davis tradition!

Mom and Rachel getting too excited about preparing the Feast.

My Memaw

Avery playing with her toys ...

Dalton's 1st Thanksgiving- Rice Cereal and Pears ... mmmmm

My Hubby (growing his hair out simply to annoy me ... wonderful)

Avery all sacked out!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


So Mandy, if you're reading this you're going to have to explain the "tagging" thing to me. I saw where you tagged me, I just don't know how or what exactly you did ...
ANYWAY the point was to post the 4th picture in your 4th album ... here goes!


This is Avery at about 5 months-ish ... This is my mom's comp so it's the earliest on here. Isn't she a cutie?? This is actually one of my fav pics of her. I might have cheated a wee bit and this might have been the third, and not the fourth. (But the fourth looked just like this, only out of focus!)
Anyway ... Avery Elizabeth ... naked and happy about it!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

"I'm a nut, I'm a nut, I'm crazy"

The title of my blog this morning is how my week has gone!! If it hasn't been one thing, It's been another! Whew, I'm just glad it's Saturday! I have felt a lot of anxiety the last couple days and just can't seem to get it together!! Yesterday I was just praying God would give me a verse and my heart led me to Psalms, and my eyes found Psalm 37. Here are some of the verses that hit me the hardest.

Psalm 37:34

Wait for the LORD and keep his way. He will exalt you to inherit the land;

Psalm 37:39-40

The salvation of the righteous comes from the LORD; he is their stronghold in time of trouble.
The LORD helps them and delivers them; he delivers them from the wicked and saves them, because they take refuge in him.

and just because I love these verses oh-so-much I'm including it too.

Lamentations 3:21-26

Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope:
Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,

for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion;

therefore I will wait for him."
The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him,

to the one who seeks him;
it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.

I think I just have this mindset that it will be OK, because it has to be! I have been through tough weeks before and this week has just been frustrating, but it's over now and a new one is coming. I love the part of Lamentations 3 that says His mercies are new every morning. It is amazing to me how much better I feel every morning, no matter how crazy our night was the night before. Sometimes it seems like this season of life will only get crazier and never end but at the same time I love it to death!

SPEAKING OF WHICH ... This weekend is Dalton's baby dedication and I am pumped! I loved Avery's and I'm sure Dalton's will be just as precious!

Afterward, we're having a fried chicken dinner at our house for lunch ... just as every Sunday should be!! :)

Well, Sarah Baker is walking in and I have to give her hugs and kisses!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween and More.

Oh Lordy, Is anyone feeling as anxious as I am today??? I am overwhelmed with the election. I think after today I'm not turning FOX news on for at least 3 months. Eek. Today is actually our 2nd anniversary and we were going to go out, but now with both kids shipped off, we're just going to curl up on the couch, get some sushi and watch the election coverage. How romantic is that?!?! Especially when you throw in that Aaron and I represent different political parties ... Oh well!!
It doesn't help that SOMETHING is blooming outside, ragweed, or whatever and I have a THROBBING migraine. Ouch. It is pretty bad.
This weekend is Dalton's Baby Dedication and I am so excited!! Afterward the fam is coming over for lunch. I'm hoping to snag a Christmas Card pic since I didn't get one that will work during Halloween ... which reminds me I haven't put any pics on here yet!!

Here's a couple




In case you can't tell Avery is Cindy-Lou-Who and Dalton is Max the puppy dog from the Grinch!! I am a reindeer, and Aaron was gone hunting Bambi ... shocker!

All Men were gone hunting so Sarah Baker and I spent the weekend with Mom and we had so much fun! I couldn't love my family more!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


What a crazy last week we have had. It has been quite the roller coaster. I'm sure everyone has heard about the horrific death of Anne Pressly. I think I tried to prepare myself for that as the week went on, but it was still so shocking. Dalton has been quite the early riser over the past month and so every morning we woke up at about 5 and started watching Anne, Beth, and Melinda on KATV. She was so endearing and even though I only had a few encounters personally with her, I was enamored. She was so vibrant, and so fun and just really lit up a room. Being in the season of life that I'm in, any relationship that I had with any young women I held very dear, and the same went for Anne.
I think we hear about crazy horrible things happening all over the world, but this just happened so close to home. I still can't believe it. I cry every time the videos of her come on the news or that someone starts talking about it. It was just such a hateful, malicious crime and he's still out there, probably so proud of himself and thinking he got away with it ... gross.
I just pray that God will use this for His glory. That He would be glorified through all this and that people will lean on Him for strength and understanding. I have become scared in my home though- and we dont' even live in the same city! I made Lisa stay on the phone with me last night, walking to my car at Wal-Mart. I just hug and kiss on my kids all day, even more than usual, thinking of how I wouldn't be able to be lifted off the floor if I were her mother. Ugh, I feel sick again.
Speaking of which, everyone in my family has gotten the stomach bug over the past week, so that helps.
I hope everyone will keep Anne's family, friends, and co-workers in their prayers in the weeks and months ahead. Their worlds have just been rocked and I can't imagine the pain those that were really close to her are enduring, if even those of us who had just met her a few times of us are hurting as much as we are. Our community truly loved Anne, and we are suffering an indescribable loss.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Bubba Boone

I just had to write a little something about how I have absolutely fallen in love with a boy, his name is Dalton Davis Boone, affectionately dubbed "Bruiser" by Aunt Weesa ;). I have loved him since I have known he was coming, but something about when they get to be a few months old and begin to develop a personality and smile and coo I just get all googly-eyed.
He is just precious. I love his feedings in the middle of the night where it's just him and me up in the very quiet dark house and in between big gulps he stops and smiles oh-so-big. I just love love love that little man. I love that he gives big wet kisses. I love that he tries to nurse Aaron's nose. I love that he and Avery both smile so big when they see each other. I love that he is a little on the porker side and has many many rolls! I love that he loves his bath and giggles when I put him in it. I love when I lay him on his tummy on the floor and he does his swimmer moves. I love when he gets really excited and begins his "dance moves" in his bouncy seat.
I am just absolutely infatuated with this little man ... and couldn't help but share!!





Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Miss Anne Pressly

I have been a constant wreck over the last few days. For anyone who hasn't turned on their TV or radio station in the past few days one of my sweet friends, Anne Pressly, a local news anchor here in Little Rock, was hurt very badly when attacked at her house. The details of her injuries are unspeakable and the horror of this has truly devastated the whole country. Anne is such a Godly girl and His joy is truly evident just by talking to her. She is absolutely delightful and I have had the best time getting to know her lately and have seriously been so consumed with every detail of this the past few days. How did this happen? Why did this happen? Why didn't God protect her? Today in my bible study video Beth Moore said that it's not that God won't let us get hurt, or let us die, or bad things happen to us. It's that He is protecting us from the evil one, sealing us from letting him inside us. I don't know what to think about that. I pray over my children and my family every day. I walk the rooms of my house praying scripture over my children. I don't even know how to pray for Anne it seems. I pray she won't be able to remember, but I want her to be able to identify this guy. I pray she will be able to use this as a platform and an outreach. That people will want to know how she got through this. I pray she will be surrounded by people that love her and she will pull through 100%. I pray that who did this would be caught very soon. I can't even think straight about it. Today I went over to one of my favorite friend's houses, Lisa Fischer, and I just cried as soon as I got out of the car. She's really the reason I met Anne, Anne and Lisa are good friends and so I think we both heard about each other through Lisa. Our community has been so affected by this. My mom said she hears people talking about it all over town, at bible studies, in the grocery line "What would he have wanted with her?" Please keep Anne and her sweet family and friends in your prayers as we are. This is such a sad time and so many are grieving that she went through this. Pray for wisdom for her doctors and steady hands as they nurse her back to health. Pray for the culprit to be caught. I pray that he makes stupid mistakes that the police catch up on quickly. I think today they are saying that the guy used her gas card at an I-30 gas station between 3-4 Monday morning. I pray there is video. Just keep her in your thoughts and prayers as you go about your day.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Prepare Yourself ... this entry is somewhat spastic.

Good Morning! Isn't fall the most fabulous time of year?? Especially in Arkansas with all our trees and fantastic weather ... I cannot IMAGINE living anywhere else in the whole world. However, with the world getting scarier every day and my parents threatening to move to New Zealand ... I might have to follow ... ha.
On a much heavier note ... yesterday Judy Taylor gave her testimony about her oldest child dying many years ago. I have heard the story several times and knew what was coming, however I have never heard it since I've had kids. Oh my goodness. For anyone who hasn't heard it, she had three boys 5 and a half, 3 and half, and 2 and was 8 months pregnant. She got frazzled and let them run outside to play while she was finishing something up. The two year old fell off his bike and rolled into a pond. The 5 and half year old went in to save him and drowned. The 2 year old almost died as well. This is really just bits and pieces of the story and it seriously made me physically ill. I think that I am a pretty laid back mom, I really kinda have to be with two that close together. And, I think I am just so trusting that God is my protector and He would never hurt me with that kind of pain, but you just never know what God's plan for your life is. All this made me think maybe I'm too laid back. I am very hands on and I play with them all day, I'm sure you could tell from all the toys and books scattered throughout my house. But, I just started reeling through all the possible scenarios of things that could happen. They are just so precious and so delicate and so irreplaceable. Ugh, I think I just got sick again thinking about it. I always am praying for my kids and praying scripture over them, but I think I'm about to take it to a new level! I'm starting to realize how big of a deal it is to trust God with your children. I think I almost borderline idolize my kids. If God tells us that "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:33 then that's where I spend all my time and energy. Gosh, it's harder than I thought.

On a much lighter note this weekend was Emerson's 11th birthday party. Yes, his birthday is the day after mine in December, but he never gets to have parties because of the time of year and it's cold outside and everything. So, this year Mom let Emerson have an Airsoft Capture the Flag War ... It was seriously the funniest thing I have ever seen. These boys came ready to fight. Check out this kid. Aaron and I got quite a kick out of him. Please notice the pistol in the holster on his hip. He was not playing around.


The pics are for the Woodruff boys, I know they will get a kick out of seeing this. Hopefully this will get them all pumped up about moving to Arkansas!! Aaron and Ben were the facilitators and Colonel's for each team.
Here they are plotting their strategy. And of course a couple pics of the hoodlums .... love 'em. I have been multi- tasking this morning so this entry was really all over the place. Welcome to my life! ;)










Friday, October 10, 2008

Isn't God good?!?!

What a difference a year can make!! I can honestly say that I have never been happier in my life than I am right now! Everything is just going so well and we are all falling into a great routine. I think that I just really started claiming that when you make God your most conscious pursuit he will give you the desires of your heart ... and he has!! I just cried as I was painting the living room this morning (ha, which doesn't mean a lot- I cry quite often!) so thankful for the great works God has done in my life these last two years. Life is good and God is GREAT!! 
I know everyone thinks they have the most beautiful, perfect kids ... but we really do! ;) I just couldn't ask for anything more for my children. They honestly bring me more joy than I ever thought possible. I just love every little things they do!! And somehow each morning, no matter how mundane the day before seemed, I am seriously excited to wake up and see their smiling faces again!! OK, enough with the cheesiness. I am really loving this time of year. It makes being outside so much more pleasant. I recently got a double stroller and I think I am going to start taking the kids to the park everyday and stroll them on the walking trail. I think they would just love that. And, the exercise would be good too! Avery just loves going "bye bye" as much as possible. She's quite the traveler. We turn up the Casting Crowns music and roll down the windows and she is just the happiest kid in town. Dalton has started laughing out loud a lot. He's coos and giggles and loves tickle bugs. Mmm... they are absolutely DELIGHTFUL!! 
Today we are at Sarah Baker's house. I have been leaving the house on the days where someone can't come help me paint because the living room is really the main room in our home and I can't keep Avery out of there.
Avery spent the night at Sarah Baker and Ben's last night and this morning we went on a walk and came back and ate lunch and have been watching the Backyardigans while Dalton takes a nap. We're about to run some errands and then head back home!
Hopefully the painting will get finished up this weekend! Fingers Crossed ...
Lots of Love, Rebekah

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Painting My Life Away!!!

Well friends after two years of marriage Aaron has finally agreed to let me paint the wood paneling in the living room. WHEW we are stepping out of the 70s ... or earlier, and going with the Southern Living Idea House's "Churchill Hotel Wheat" it's kinda a creamy wheaty color ... Beautiful! :) The room already looks so much lighter! Before and After pics to come ...
Fall is here and is proving to be such a fun time of year. I feel like there are so many fun things coming up! Emerson is having his birthday party early this year and is having an Airsoft Gun Capture the Flag WAR this weekend. Aaron and Ben are going to command one team each ... for some reason I am pretty excited about this and think it is going to be quite a hoot! Then the fair is coming, Boo at the Zoo, Halloween, Razorback Football, Oh My! I just love this time of year! For Halloween Avery is going to be a Razorback Cheerleader and I haven't quite decided about Dalton. I did see a very cute pea pod costume the other day, but maybe a cow- Milk is definitely doing his body good! ;)
Here is a pic of him the other night after his bath ... had to post it!


Hehe ... love that Bubba. And so does Avery! She wakes up and as soon as I get her out of her crib she's calling "bubba, bubba, bubba!" Then she runs to get her shoes and her bow and points to the door "bye bye, bye bye" the child loves to go anywhere! She's so funny!
Now I feel the need to plug the movie FIREPROOF. For any and every married couple or anyone thinks that they just might get married I would seriously recommend seeing it. It was so good. We went and saw the movie last Tuesday night and I absolutely loved it. It was such a honest look at how your marriage can go into a "slow fade" when you stop constantly working on it and let so many little things go by. I think the point that convicted me the most was the way that the wife was just "Miss Congeniality" to everyone around her, everyone at work, people she even hardly knew. But, when she got home she was hardly recognizable. Hateful and just ... scary. I know that I am guilty of this- going around and putting on a smiling face being as kind as can be to everyone, and then coming home and being irritable or impatient with the most important person in my life, Aaron. I think it was good for me to see that marriage is hard for other couples too. Sometimes, especially in the south, people just tell you how everything is fine, everyone is great and nice and you can sometimes feel as if you are the only one that thinks marriage can be challenging. I feel like marriage and having kids are the hardest things I have ever done! It's so hard to die to yourself every day-all day, to not spout off something just for the satisfaction of a smart remark, or to honestly desire the best for your spouse and what their needs are. I was so blessed by the movie and have thoroughly enjoyed doing the Love Dare challenge. I feel like in the last few months God has really done a number on Aaron and I and this was such a great reminder to not get caught up in the complacency of a good marriage, but to strive for a great marriage.I hope everyone hasn't been able to see it yet can get to see it this weekend or soon, we thought it was great!!
Well, I guess that is all for now! More soon!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Oh Happy Day!

I think that I am just realizing more and more each day how blessed my life really is. God has been so good and once I made a daily effort to be thankful I am amazed at how he has opened my eyes to all the gifts he provides. I think my main struggle in life is contentment. I think I could just "want" myself into the wall ... and for what??? I am really in a season of seeking out God's purpose for my life right now. I just feel like he really has a calling over my life and a purpose and a plan and I really get EXCITED about seeing how His glory will be fufilled through me!
This weekend I got to go to Fayetteville with my parents, Ben, Sarah Baker and Emerson. Aaron last minute didn't get to go which was disappointing but it was so nice to just get away for a little while. Aaron's mom kept the kids and it was so wonderful to be with my mom and sisters and just play and talk without the kids. I really don't remember the last time I enjoyed them so much! But I will say on the way home from Fayetteville, hardly 24 hours later, I was DYING to see them. I just couldn't wait to hug and squeeze and kiss on them. Dalton is just so stinkin' loveable and kissable right now and just smiles at everything. Wow! I just could seriously eat him up. Avery is just a wiggle worm that really just wants her daddy. But I steal plenty of kisses from her too! Here are a couple pics from this weekend!





Also thanks for all the prayers that went up this week for my TERRIBLE case of hives. It was so strange and so horrible and I have just never seen anything like it. The lady at the doctors office check-in almost freaked out when I walked in because they were so severe. She just kept saying "Oh dear, oh dear, this will get better, it will get better. Then Dr. Gray actually laughed at me when he came in and saw all of them. I was just covered Head to Toe, probably over 85% of my body! It was absolutely misersable. However, a couple rounds of steroids and a steroid shot later and I'm doing SO much better! So thankyou thankyou for keeping me in your prayers! I hope everyone has a fun-filled week!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Back to Boone Road!

We're FINALLY home!!! Friday we moved back into our house .... such a relief! I almost forgot how much I missed being at our own house! However, I will say that since Dalton was 3 weeks old (and now he is 3 months old!) I have been staying with either Aaron's parents or my own, so I've had full time help with the hoodlums! It's a wee bit different being home. I just LIVE for nap time!! I don't even take a nap then though because I feel like I miss the quiet, and it's so nice!
I have realized though what a sacrifice it is to stay at home with your kids. IT'S HARD! Aaron told me the other day that he would rather dig ditches all day then do what I do- I can see that ... ;) But I know this is just such a short season and one I can never get back, so I'm going to persevere. Plus seeing Avery's sweet face just bawl and squawl when I leave her in the nursery at church for two hours just kills me, much less daycare. So I'm going to keep going!
I also forgot what it's like to try to keep the house picked up with little ones under my feet. My mom told me once that if she's awake she's cleaning, I now have completely embodied that ... I AM ALWAYS PICKING UP AND CLEANING! Whew! It's exhausting! Plus, since we threw away practically all of our rugs and such with the flea problem I have to sweep at least twice a day so that we're not trucking through a complete mess!
ANYWAY! Life is good and God is great. I am really loving being home and having some normalcy back. I think Aaron is much more relaxed and happy to be home as well.
We started going to the Bryant Fellowship this week- it was oh-so-different. But, a lot closer.
I think Avery is climbing up the pantry so I better end here. Thanks for all the prayers for the fleas to flee- God answered our prayer!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

My Sweet Sisters!

I just had to take a minute this morning and say how much I LOVE my sweet sisters!! God has blessed me ABUNDANTLY with them and they are such an inspiration to me and what God has in store for those who follow Him.
Yesterday I was at my bible study class and we were watching a Beth Moore video on her bible study of John, called "Beloved Disciple..." She said something that I thought was so profound and such an important thought.
She said that God created us each to be "passionate" beings. That He made us to be passionately in love and on fire for Him. BUT if we aren't passionate about Him then we'll gear it toward other things ... big uh-oh. I completely understand that though!! That's where addictions come from and hobbies that people just become obsessed with or whatever. BEEN THERE.. That is just our way of filling ourselves up, it just happens to be the wrong thing. And you almost find yourself knowing you are unhappy in the path you're on, but you just keep on it anyway.
My sweet sisters have always passionately sought Christ and I can seem Him all over their lives. They are DAILY blessings to me and my bestest friends in the whole world. I love them DEARLY and just aspire to be such Godly girls as they are.

I would brag on them more but Dalton is beginning to howl in his bed ... poor thing. Something tells me he's hungry - as ALWAYS! :)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

"When God Commissions, He Empowers... AMEN"

So if anyone needs a new bible or just wants a short morning devotion I would highly reccomend the "Women's Devotional Bible-Classic Edition." Aaron got it for me a couple Christmas's ago and I truly love it ... Here is one of the devotions I read this week.

This verse, 1 John 5:4, has been a favorite of mine for years; but only lately have I come to realize that the verse is not so much about faith as it is about power. It's not an obvious power like that inherent in a seed, which causes a plant to pop out of the ground and burst into flower, or in the meaningful words that fly across the airwaves altering convictions and changing hearts for all eternity.
Power. Have you ever been so mad at a person that you wanted to walk out and never talk to him/her again, but decided instead to hang in there, communicate, and make it right? Or, have you felt tremendously inadequate for an assigned task, found a scripture of encouragement, and come out a winner? Have you invested love and conern into a person who was basically unlovable and witnessed a transformation in him/her behavior primarily because of your sensitivity and acceptance? That's the kind of power I am talking about.
This verse says that we, the children of God, acutally can overcome the world by faithfully believing that we have God's power to effect change. Doesn't that make you want to try it in every area of your life? It does me!
I want to quit worrying about money. I want to lose weight. I want to be a kinder, more gentle person. Iwant to be supportive, not envious. I want to sing more and gripe less. I want to look for the positive, not dwell on the negative. I want to reach out to those who need me, not wait for them to come to me. I want to relax and laugh. I want to live fully.
Shall I go on? You make your own list, remembering that by faith you've already overcome the world. Claim that. When God commissions, he empowers. That power is absolutely yours, by faith. Take it and head out. The victories are just beginning.
- Luci Swindoll
I just really love the thought that God truly has EMPOWERED me to be able to overcome each and every adversity that comes my way. He knows what's coming and I think my whole path to Him has equipped me for each new challenge. I am really having such a desire to follow Him whole heartedly. I don't know what it is about having kids, but it just PUSHES you to want to be the absolute BEST version of yourself. However I have found that without completely surrendering to His plan, I don't want to even be around myself (which is difficult). I really believe God is shaping me to BE something. I have all these plans and ideas about women's ministry ... but I have to remind myself ... "It's not the best time to tackle some of these!" However I am oh-so-excited to see how God wants to use me and I am so glad that He has filled me up with HIS POWER.
II Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Thoughts for Today...

Today I went to Mom's N More, my little Tuesday morning bible study for new moms. It really is a hoot- they are so sweet to all of us and just stand up there and tell us how proud they are that we got there with all our kids and everything. We have snippets on Fall Fashion, or the Hottest New Toys, or whatever. It's really cute. ANYWAY we also have a short lesson by Judy Taylor, who is hilarious. Today she talked about our fears. Everyone was sharing in small group, and never the shy girl, I told what my fear was. You might find this humorous, but MY fear is staying in Bryant forever... and I have no idea why! My leader asked why this was my fear, and I told her that I honestly didn't really know. But it got me to thinking... "WHY did I not want to live there??!??!!" Am I just a wee bit snotty and came from a small high school and we might have made fun of Benton/Bryant for whatever reason and God has a sense of humor and just put me right there (very strong possibility, God seems to express his sense of humor with me like that a lot!) It's a sweet small town, with great schools, and even a Fellowship Bible Church literally within walking distance from my house. I love my little house and with a little bit of work on the outside I really think I would REALLY love my house. Plus it's out kinda in the country so Aaron can hunt and train his dogs and everything. AND we live on stinkin' Boone road with the rest of the "kin" and how fun is that?!?!?! :)
Mrs. Judy said something in her lesson today about how not surrendering to God's plan could really cause us to miss out on blessings and being a part of HIS plan... so that KINDA hit home. God could really have a purpose in us staying in Bryant, so I guess we better stick it out and see what it is :)
Another little "nugget" that she gave us this morning was kinda an "in your face question" or at least it was to me ... She asked if we had a mentality of "well Lord, I could just be happier with ____," Or "Lord, I could just be such a better Christian if you would just _____." Can I please just take a minute and think how many times I have said that to God lately ... well it would take a lot longer than a minute- because I have done that FREQUENTLY! I have just been convinced in feeling that if I could just GET to Little Rock that I would just live in day to day perfection! HA ... seriously?!?! What is going on in my head? I have had such a freedom and a PEACE the last couple days since I have given over moving to the LORD. He has my best interest at heart and he knows what's coming. I just have to TRUST God with all my fears and WHO BETTER TO HAND THEM OVER TO?!?!?!??! I think I just rambled ... shocking.

Aaron wrote me an e-mail this morning saying that he thinks we can probably move home this weekend! EEK! So pray pray pray us home this week!!

Here are a couple pics of us leaving for Moms N More today ...
Of course I couldn't really get us to all look and smile and everything at the same time ... but I tried :)



Don't leave your kids alone ...

Mom was unloading the dryer last night and in the 30 seconds it took her to take the load into the living room to fold Avery decided to see what that dryer business was all about.
I had to share!!!


Monday, September 15, 2008

Hallelujah for Mom's!

"Titus 2:3-5 Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but teach what is good. They they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God."
I honestly don't know how people have kids without family around ... I have been so blessed by my Mom and Mother-In-Law. We have INVADED their homes for the past two months and they just do and do and give and give endlessly. Titus 2 speaks about the older women leading the younger women- which is just what they do. They are constantly helping me in every way! Feeding, bathing, changing, playing with the babies and trying to SERVE me when I'm living in their houses!! They BOTH will come in in the mornings asking, "what should we make for dinner" ... "What do you need from the strore?" or "how can I help you?" I have never met such servants. It is my every aspiration to be like them when I grow up! They are SUCH blessings in my life. They give and give, just because they want to- which is good because I have no idea how I would ever repay them- They are PRICELESS!!
Thankyou LORD for such sweet women in my life, who lead quietly by example and provide such a ministry to me!
P.S. Avery has started doing the cutest thing- Now when I lay her down for naps or for the night she waves when I cover her all up her crib and say's "Nigh Nigh" ... um yes she is the sweetest thing! And here are a couple pics of her today in her sunglasses ... cutie!

