Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Applause of Heaven!

So this week was "Baptism Sunday" at our church. I, and my 3 siblings, was baptized! My dad baptized Rachel, Emerson and I, and Sarah Baker's hubby, Ben, baptized her. I think I had kinda down-played it because everyone I know had been baptized, but after doing it I can honestly say it was one of the most special days of my life. It was just ... special. I just absolutely loved it.
I think there will be a "flicker" site soon that show the baptisms, so I'll post that soon. However we were next to last so you might get to watch a whole bunch before you see us.
Oh Lordy, kiddos- gotta go! More later, pics to come!!


  1. Will and I have neither one ever been baptized. We are going to do it sometime this winter or spring. We have to go through three different classes at our church and so work needs to settle down a bit for Will first. But I can't wait!

  2. Hey Rebecca! It's Kirby Stuart, I found your blog and I wanted to tell you I look forward to reading it and your family is beautiful!!
