Friday, November 28, 2008

Gobble Gobble

Well I have recently been reprimanded by Caroline because I haven't updated my blog. I think I kinda kept waiting on something exciting to happen to blog about and then I realized ... we lead a pretty low key life these days.
However, I am just LOVING fall this year. FURTHERMORE, I'm loving hunting season this year. Every weekend Aaron, Ben, Dad, and Emerson leave to go hunting so all the girls camp out at Mom's. We make fun cocktails, girl food, and just do fun girly things (except for Holiday House, that was a disaster).
Yesterday was Thanksgiving and I must say it was one of my favorite Turkey Days in quite a while. Honestly, I've never really liked Thanksgiving before. It's true. I just thought it was such a man Holiday. All the women spend days slaving in the kitchen to talk the men into coming in from the woods or out from in front of the TV to eat food that I don't even particularly like ... sweet potatoes, oyster dressing, dry turkey, and so on. HOWEVER this year I loved everything we made and we had a laid back, family and fun-filled Thanksgiving. And even though both of my kiddos were sick, we still had a fun day! By 10:00 Avery came and grabbed my hand, dragging me into Mom and Dad's room. She pointed at the bed and started saying "nigh nigh." She folded her little hands under her head and closed her eyes ... this has never ever happened. I took her up, put her in her bed and she went right to sleep... crazy.
I did take Dalton to the doctor Wednesday and the child weighed 21 pounds ... Avery who is over a year older, weighs 25 pounds and is in the 75% for her age group ... Should I be concerned??
He also is not really acting all that interested in formula. I guess I'm going to have to persevere with the nursing, even though it's getting old. HOWEVER if he is teething, I'm done, WAY done.
Today is "Black Friday" and I am not leaving the house. Sarah Baker wanted us to go shopping- NO WAY JOSE. I can't imagine anything worse than taking these babies out in the double stroller with those crowds. Even though I wonder if people are really shopping as much this year...
I'm pretty sure it's 12:45 and I'm still in my PJs - is that horrible?
Aaron has gone to the grocery store to get the ingredients to make a "honey bun cake." I'm pretty sure it's a gluttonous sin to cook anything with the fridge being as jam-packed with left overs as it is, but he wants it. Apparently a lady brought one to his office the other day and he hasn't stopped talking about it in 3 days. His grandmother even called me today to ask for the recipe so she could try it herself. For anyone who's interested here is the recipe..... (I also have to add it's from which makes me laugh)


1 box yellow cake

4 eggs

8 ounces sour cream

2/3 cup vegetable oil

1 cup brown sugar

1 tablespoon cinnamon


1/2 cup powdered sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla

1/2 cup milk


Combine yellow cake mix, eggs, sour cream, and vegetable oil. Mix together and pour half in a 9x13 inch pan. Mix brown sugar and cinnamon. Sprinkle over half of batter in pan. Pour rest of batter over brown sugar mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes. Topping: combine powdered sugar, vanilla and milk. While cake is warm poke holes in cake with toothpick. Pour topping over cake.

OK, so it looks like I'll be baking that today ... I'll let you know how it turns out. Well I guess I'll leave you with some pics of our fun Thanksgiving night ...

Oh but p.s.- Sunday my sisters, brother and I are getting baptized at our church ... YAY!! 9 am service in the worship center for all you Fellowshipians...

Ok I'm really signing out now ....

Nothing like Red Roosters on Thanksgiving ... quite the Davis tradition!

Mom and Rachel getting too excited about preparing the Feast.

My Memaw

Avery playing with her toys ...

Dalton's 1st Thanksgiving- Rice Cereal and Pears ... mmmmm

My Hubby (growing his hair out simply to annoy me ... wonderful)

Avery all sacked out!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics!!! I'm glad you had a happy Thanksgiving. Noah's sick too--like waking in the middle of the night sick, UGH. I'm getting baptized Sunday too!!!! SOOO excited. I'm doing it at 11:00 Edge though.
