Thursday, October 9, 2008

Painting My Life Away!!!

Well friends after two years of marriage Aaron has finally agreed to let me paint the wood paneling in the living room. WHEW we are stepping out of the 70s ... or earlier, and going with the Southern Living Idea House's "Churchill Hotel Wheat" it's kinda a creamy wheaty color ... Beautiful! :) The room already looks so much lighter! Before and After pics to come ...
Fall is here and is proving to be such a fun time of year. I feel like there are so many fun things coming up! Emerson is having his birthday party early this year and is having an Airsoft Gun Capture the Flag WAR this weekend. Aaron and Ben are going to command one team each ... for some reason I am pretty excited about this and think it is going to be quite a hoot! Then the fair is coming, Boo at the Zoo, Halloween, Razorback Football, Oh My! I just love this time of year! For Halloween Avery is going to be a Razorback Cheerleader and I haven't quite decided about Dalton. I did see a very cute pea pod costume the other day, but maybe a cow- Milk is definitely doing his body good! ;)
Here is a pic of him the other night after his bath ... had to post it!


Hehe ... love that Bubba. And so does Avery! She wakes up and as soon as I get her out of her crib she's calling "bubba, bubba, bubba!" Then she runs to get her shoes and her bow and points to the door "bye bye, bye bye" the child loves to go anywhere! She's so funny!
Now I feel the need to plug the movie FIREPROOF. For any and every married couple or anyone thinks that they just might get married I would seriously recommend seeing it. It was so good. We went and saw the movie last Tuesday night and I absolutely loved it. It was such a honest look at how your marriage can go into a "slow fade" when you stop constantly working on it and let so many little things go by. I think the point that convicted me the most was the way that the wife was just "Miss Congeniality" to everyone around her, everyone at work, people she even hardly knew. But, when she got home she was hardly recognizable. Hateful and just ... scary. I know that I am guilty of this- going around and putting on a smiling face being as kind as can be to everyone, and then coming home and being irritable or impatient with the most important person in my life, Aaron. I think it was good for me to see that marriage is hard for other couples too. Sometimes, especially in the south, people just tell you how everything is fine, everyone is great and nice and you can sometimes feel as if you are the only one that thinks marriage can be challenging. I feel like marriage and having kids are the hardest things I have ever done! It's so hard to die to yourself every day-all day, to not spout off something just for the satisfaction of a smart remark, or to honestly desire the best for your spouse and what their needs are. I was so blessed by the movie and have thoroughly enjoyed doing the Love Dare challenge. I feel like in the last few months God has really done a number on Aaron and I and this was such a great reminder to not get caught up in the complacency of a good marriage, but to strive for a great marriage.I hope everyone hasn't been able to see it yet can get to see it this weekend or soon, we thought it was great!!
Well, I guess that is all for now! More soon!!

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