Friday, October 10, 2008

Isn't God good?!?!

What a difference a year can make!! I can honestly say that I have never been happier in my life than I am right now! Everything is just going so well and we are all falling into a great routine. I think that I just really started claiming that when you make God your most conscious pursuit he will give you the desires of your heart ... and he has!! I just cried as I was painting the living room this morning (ha, which doesn't mean a lot- I cry quite often!) so thankful for the great works God has done in my life these last two years. Life is good and God is GREAT!! 
I know everyone thinks they have the most beautiful, perfect kids ... but we really do! ;) I just couldn't ask for anything more for my children. They honestly bring me more joy than I ever thought possible. I just love every little things they do!! And somehow each morning, no matter how mundane the day before seemed, I am seriously excited to wake up and see their smiling faces again!! OK, enough with the cheesiness. I am really loving this time of year. It makes being outside so much more pleasant. I recently got a double stroller and I think I am going to start taking the kids to the park everyday and stroll them on the walking trail. I think they would just love that. And, the exercise would be good too! Avery just loves going "bye bye" as much as possible. She's quite the traveler. We turn up the Casting Crowns music and roll down the windows and she is just the happiest kid in town. Dalton has started laughing out loud a lot. He's coos and giggles and loves tickle bugs. Mmm... they are absolutely DELIGHTFUL!! 
Today we are at Sarah Baker's house. I have been leaving the house on the days where someone can't come help me paint because the living room is really the main room in our home and I can't keep Avery out of there.
Avery spent the night at Sarah Baker and Ben's last night and this morning we went on a walk and came back and ate lunch and have been watching the Backyardigans while Dalton takes a nap. We're about to run some errands and then head back home!
Hopefully the painting will get finished up this weekend! Fingers Crossed ...
Lots of Love, Rebekah

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