Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Prepare Yourself ... this entry is somewhat spastic.

Good Morning! Isn't fall the most fabulous time of year?? Especially in Arkansas with all our trees and fantastic weather ... I cannot IMAGINE living anywhere else in the whole world. However, with the world getting scarier every day and my parents threatening to move to New Zealand ... I might have to follow ... ha.
On a much heavier note ... yesterday Judy Taylor gave her testimony about her oldest child dying many years ago. I have heard the story several times and knew what was coming, however I have never heard it since I've had kids. Oh my goodness. For anyone who hasn't heard it, she had three boys 5 and a half, 3 and half, and 2 and was 8 months pregnant. She got frazzled and let them run outside to play while she was finishing something up. The two year old fell off his bike and rolled into a pond. The 5 and half year old went in to save him and drowned. The 2 year old almost died as well. This is really just bits and pieces of the story and it seriously made me physically ill. I think that I am a pretty laid back mom, I really kinda have to be with two that close together. And, I think I am just so trusting that God is my protector and He would never hurt me with that kind of pain, but you just never know what God's plan for your life is. All this made me think maybe I'm too laid back. I am very hands on and I play with them all day, I'm sure you could tell from all the toys and books scattered throughout my house. But, I just started reeling through all the possible scenarios of things that could happen. They are just so precious and so delicate and so irreplaceable. Ugh, I think I just got sick again thinking about it. I always am praying for my kids and praying scripture over them, but I think I'm about to take it to a new level! I'm starting to realize how big of a deal it is to trust God with your children. I think I almost borderline idolize my kids. If God tells us that "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:33 then that's where I spend all my time and energy. Gosh, it's harder than I thought.

On a much lighter note this weekend was Emerson's 11th birthday party. Yes, his birthday is the day after mine in December, but he never gets to have parties because of the time of year and it's cold outside and everything. So, this year Mom let Emerson have an Airsoft Capture the Flag War ... It was seriously the funniest thing I have ever seen. These boys came ready to fight. Check out this kid. Aaron and I got quite a kick out of him. Please notice the pistol in the holster on his hip. He was not playing around.


The pics are for the Woodruff boys, I know they will get a kick out of seeing this. Hopefully this will get them all pumped up about moving to Arkansas!! Aaron and Ben were the facilitators and Colonel's for each team.
Here they are plotting their strategy. And of course a couple pics of the hoodlums .... love 'em. I have been multi- tasking this morning so this entry was really all over the place. Welcome to my life! ;)










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