Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Miss Anne Pressly

I have been a constant wreck over the last few days. For anyone who hasn't turned on their TV or radio station in the past few days one of my sweet friends, Anne Pressly, a local news anchor here in Little Rock, was hurt very badly when attacked at her house. The details of her injuries are unspeakable and the horror of this has truly devastated the whole country. Anne is such a Godly girl and His joy is truly evident just by talking to her. She is absolutely delightful and I have had the best time getting to know her lately and have seriously been so consumed with every detail of this the past few days. How did this happen? Why did this happen? Why didn't God protect her? Today in my bible study video Beth Moore said that it's not that God won't let us get hurt, or let us die, or bad things happen to us. It's that He is protecting us from the evil one, sealing us from letting him inside us. I don't know what to think about that. I pray over my children and my family every day. I walk the rooms of my house praying scripture over my children. I don't even know how to pray for Anne it seems. I pray she won't be able to remember, but I want her to be able to identify this guy. I pray she will be able to use this as a platform and an outreach. That people will want to know how she got through this. I pray she will be surrounded by people that love her and she will pull through 100%. I pray that who did this would be caught very soon. I can't even think straight about it. Today I went over to one of my favorite friend's houses, Lisa Fischer, and I just cried as soon as I got out of the car. She's really the reason I met Anne, Anne and Lisa are good friends and so I think we both heard about each other through Lisa. Our community has been so affected by this. My mom said she hears people talking about it all over town, at bible studies, in the grocery line "What would he have wanted with her?" Please keep Anne and her sweet family and friends in your prayers as we are. This is such a sad time and so many are grieving that she went through this. Pray for wisdom for her doctors and steady hands as they nurse her back to health. Pray for the culprit to be caught. I pray that he makes stupid mistakes that the police catch up on quickly. I think today they are saying that the guy used her gas card at an I-30 gas station between 3-4 Monday morning. I pray there is video. Just keep her in your thoughts and prayers as you go about your day.


  1. Great post Rebekah. I'm praying too that she'll forget. I pray they can catch him without her having to remember

  2. Hey Rebekah! I also knew Anne and I am just shocked as the rest of Arkansas. Imagine my surprise hearing about it here in Texas. I am praying for her daily and that God brings her family peace.
