Sunday, October 5, 2008

Oh Happy Day!

I think that I am just realizing more and more each day how blessed my life really is. God has been so good and once I made a daily effort to be thankful I am amazed at how he has opened my eyes to all the gifts he provides. I think my main struggle in life is contentment. I think I could just "want" myself into the wall ... and for what??? I am really in a season of seeking out God's purpose for my life right now. I just feel like he really has a calling over my life and a purpose and a plan and I really get EXCITED about seeing how His glory will be fufilled through me!
This weekend I got to go to Fayetteville with my parents, Ben, Sarah Baker and Emerson. Aaron last minute didn't get to go which was disappointing but it was so nice to just get away for a little while. Aaron's mom kept the kids and it was so wonderful to be with my mom and sisters and just play and talk without the kids. I really don't remember the last time I enjoyed them so much! But I will say on the way home from Fayetteville, hardly 24 hours later, I was DYING to see them. I just couldn't wait to hug and squeeze and kiss on them. Dalton is just so stinkin' loveable and kissable right now and just smiles at everything. Wow! I just could seriously eat him up. Avery is just a wiggle worm that really just wants her daddy. But I steal plenty of kisses from her too! Here are a couple pics from this weekend!





Also thanks for all the prayers that went up this week for my TERRIBLE case of hives. It was so strange and so horrible and I have just never seen anything like it. The lady at the doctors office check-in almost freaked out when I walked in because they were so severe. She just kept saying "Oh dear, oh dear, this will get better, it will get better. Then Dr. Gray actually laughed at me when he came in and saw all of them. I was just covered Head to Toe, probably over 85% of my body! It was absolutely misersable. However, a couple rounds of steroids and a steroid shot later and I'm doing SO much better! So thankyou thankyou for keeping me in your prayers! I hope everyone has a fun-filled week!

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