Wednesday, September 17, 2008

"When God Commissions, He Empowers... AMEN"

So if anyone needs a new bible or just wants a short morning devotion I would highly reccomend the "Women's Devotional Bible-Classic Edition." Aaron got it for me a couple Christmas's ago and I truly love it ... Here is one of the devotions I read this week.

This verse, 1 John 5:4, has been a favorite of mine for years; but only lately have I come to realize that the verse is not so much about faith as it is about power. It's not an obvious power like that inherent in a seed, which causes a plant to pop out of the ground and burst into flower, or in the meaningful words that fly across the airwaves altering convictions and changing hearts for all eternity.
Power. Have you ever been so mad at a person that you wanted to walk out and never talk to him/her again, but decided instead to hang in there, communicate, and make it right? Or, have you felt tremendously inadequate for an assigned task, found a scripture of encouragement, and come out a winner? Have you invested love and conern into a person who was basically unlovable and witnessed a transformation in him/her behavior primarily because of your sensitivity and acceptance? That's the kind of power I am talking about.
This verse says that we, the children of God, acutally can overcome the world by faithfully believing that we have God's power to effect change. Doesn't that make you want to try it in every area of your life? It does me!
I want to quit worrying about money. I want to lose weight. I want to be a kinder, more gentle person. Iwant to be supportive, not envious. I want to sing more and gripe less. I want to look for the positive, not dwell on the negative. I want to reach out to those who need me, not wait for them to come to me. I want to relax and laugh. I want to live fully.
Shall I go on? You make your own list, remembering that by faith you've already overcome the world. Claim that. When God commissions, he empowers. That power is absolutely yours, by faith. Take it and head out. The victories are just beginning.
- Luci Swindoll
I just really love the thought that God truly has EMPOWERED me to be able to overcome each and every adversity that comes my way. He knows what's coming and I think my whole path to Him has equipped me for each new challenge. I am really having such a desire to follow Him whole heartedly. I don't know what it is about having kids, but it just PUSHES you to want to be the absolute BEST version of yourself. However I have found that without completely surrendering to His plan, I don't want to even be around myself (which is difficult). I really believe God is shaping me to BE something. I have all these plans and ideas about women's ministry ... but I have to remind myself ... "It's not the best time to tackle some of these!" However I am oh-so-excited to see how God wants to use me and I am so glad that He has filled me up with HIS POWER.
II Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

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