Thursday, September 18, 2008

My Sweet Sisters!

I just had to take a minute this morning and say how much I LOVE my sweet sisters!! God has blessed me ABUNDANTLY with them and they are such an inspiration to me and what God has in store for those who follow Him.
Yesterday I was at my bible study class and we were watching a Beth Moore video on her bible study of John, called "Beloved Disciple..." She said something that I thought was so profound and such an important thought.
She said that God created us each to be "passionate" beings. That He made us to be passionately in love and on fire for Him. BUT if we aren't passionate about Him then we'll gear it toward other things ... big uh-oh. I completely understand that though!! That's where addictions come from and hobbies that people just become obsessed with or whatever. BEEN THERE.. That is just our way of filling ourselves up, it just happens to be the wrong thing. And you almost find yourself knowing you are unhappy in the path you're on, but you just keep on it anyway.
My sweet sisters have always passionately sought Christ and I can seem Him all over their lives. They are DAILY blessings to me and my bestest friends in the whole world. I love them DEARLY and just aspire to be such Godly girls as they are.

I would brag on them more but Dalton is beginning to howl in his bed ... poor thing. Something tells me he's hungry - as ALWAYS! :)

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