Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween and More.

Oh Lordy, Is anyone feeling as anxious as I am today??? I am overwhelmed with the election. I think after today I'm not turning FOX news on for at least 3 months. Eek. Today is actually our 2nd anniversary and we were going to go out, but now with both kids shipped off, we're just going to curl up on the couch, get some sushi and watch the election coverage. How romantic is that?!?! Especially when you throw in that Aaron and I represent different political parties ... Oh well!!
It doesn't help that SOMETHING is blooming outside, ragweed, or whatever and I have a THROBBING migraine. Ouch. It is pretty bad.
This weekend is Dalton's Baby Dedication and I am so excited!! Afterward the fam is coming over for lunch. I'm hoping to snag a Christmas Card pic since I didn't get one that will work during Halloween ... which reminds me I haven't put any pics on here yet!!

Here's a couple




In case you can't tell Avery is Cindy-Lou-Who and Dalton is Max the puppy dog from the Grinch!! I am a reindeer, and Aaron was gone hunting Bambi ... shocker!

All Men were gone hunting so Sarah Baker and I spent the weekend with Mom and we had so much fun! I couldn't love my family more!!

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