I'm back.
Something about fall, Moms 'n More and all this rain has kind of made me miss my blog world. However, whatever the heck I was thinking about putting my nightly dinner meals and a morning devotion is seriously gone. I have really acquired some other activities lately, and we are just super busy; so keeping this up alone will be a challenge. But, I really did love it, so I want to get back into it ......
So hello, sweet friends!! I am sad to see summer go, it is my absolute hands down favorite part of the year. BUT, I am ready for life to slow down a little, be in a routine again, not burn my legs when I sit on my car seat and sometimes have to use napkins to grip the steering wheel for the first couple miles (and yes, I do that) because it gets so dang hot. I am genuinely excited about fall and all of the playgroup playdates, my new Esther bible study, Razorback games, fall food (duh), and just another new season with my little ones. Avery and Dalton get more personality every day and we are in a stage of CONSTANT changes. I am going to be away from them this weekend when we head to Dallas for a wedding and I'm sure I will come back in complete awe (hopefully in a good way) of something new they are doing. I almost snorted my cream and sugar with a dash of coffee at MnM yesterday when the speaker was talking about your kiddos being little "sinners" at such a young age. It really is amazing. They are God's most perfect gift to me, couldn't breathe without them here, but they can really do some damage. They can be defiant, disobedient, aggressive with each other and just get to the point where I am sure they did not come from my womb. But then they take their naps and the house gets quiet and picked up; I can just bask in their perfection as they sleep away, until they wake back up again. :)
Avery is talking so much it just blows my mind. I finally feel like I can almost carry on a conversation with her. I'm waiting on the inevitable, "why," stage to arrive and hoping it holds off a while. Dalton is just a mess of his own. Sometimes it's hard to believe that he and Avery are cut from the same cloth. He is so stinkin' funny I could just giggle with him all day, which is convenient since he never wants me to put him down. He walks around the house telling everyone and everything "no" with a tiny pointed finger ... not that he ever gets told "no" or anything. But if the "N" word does come out of my mouth he quickly starts to spat HIMSELF on the wrist and fake cry. Oh Lord, give me strength. I think I hear my favorite ring tailed tooter waking up now, I better go retrieve him....
Don't worry, I'll be back tomorrow :)
This was my favorite verse for a long time and today it sounds better than ever ... Hope it comforts your Spirit like it does mine.
Matthew 11:28-29 28
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.