Thursday, May 28, 2009


So, that was supposed to be the sound of this week FLYING by! This week has been so crazy. Last weekend we had to cancel our lake plans with the weather predicted to be so terrible. So, Aaron and I packed up the kids and went to Aaron's parents house in Hot Springs Village. We ended up just being able to look at the water, but with it raining all around us, we weren't totally pumped about getting down into it!
The kids had a great weekend with Maw and Da' though! So all in all, it was a fun-filled weekend! Then this week, Sarah Baker and I launched our Arbonne business and have been totally thrilled with the outcome! We're really excited! It did totally take over this week though, Tuesday night was a party @ SB's, Wednesday @ my house and then tonight we had one @ Mom and Dad's ... whew! I am just worn out. I know it will slow down a little now, and they won't all be right in a row like this, but I am plumb worn out- in a good way though. Like, I've accomplished something! I'm not gonna lie, it feels good!
My babies are getting bigger and sillier by the day. I can NOT believe how much Avery is talking (or trying to)! She is constantly jabbering, and trying so hard to tell me something! I just love it. I don't love how she is telling me "no" a lot more. Oh Lordy! But it's really hard to tell her "no" about saying "no", ya know??
Dalton is getting bigger by the DAY. I'm having the HARDEST time thinking he's about to be one. I really really hate it. I just want him to stay a baby FOREVER!
Here are some pics from this weekend, I'm sure something exciting has happened this week, but I'm half dead and have to go to sleep!!!

Avery pretty much decided she was ready for bed and undid the sleeper bed herself ... she loves it!! :)

Naptime with Da' ...

Yay for Dora!

I love his face here!

Poker lessons ... you're never too young.

Hi Mama! (and yes that's the world's largest mosquito bite, right square in the middle of his cute forehead ... poor thing)

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