Saturday, June 6, 2009

No News is Good News.

So, without a camera, my blog light has just completely turned off. I totally forget about it. Pictures make me justify blogging .. without them it's just me rambling, which really isn't that interesting. My mother-in-law has lovingly loaned me hers ... Thanks Maw!
Today Lynda and I went to one of their cousins bridal shower at "Mike's Place," in Conway. When I got the original invitation it was just sitting on the kitchen counter because Aaron had opened it for me. It said it was a "family shower luncheon," which I just assumed "Mike" was a family member, and that the whole family was invited. I replied to the hostess that Aaron, Avery, and I would all be in attendance .... :) Well, Aaron forgot to tell me that the invitation was just addressed to Avery and me and that "Mike's Place" was a restaurant. We all got a pretty big kick out of Aunt Lib calling Lynda to tell her that Aaron was more than welcome, but he might feel a little out of place at a ladies luncheon. (haha)
Avery is just talking up a storm lately. She's jabbers away all day. Sometimes I understand her, sometimes I don't. But, she is working so hard at it!!! And Dalton Boone has taken off with his walking!! It is THE sweetest thing! He also patty cakes, waves bye bye, and begins fake coughing if he feels like he is not getting enough attention- he's such a ham. He is very attached to his big sister and if she's not playing with him, feels like he must be held. He's also really getting bored with his bottle.
OK, I just watched Dalton wipe his mouth on one of mom's nice couch pillows, I better go take care of my kids. THEY ARE SOOOOOOO BUSY!! I feel like I never stop moving and when I finally can lay down it takes my body an hour to calm down enough to fall asleep... such is life.

1 comment:

  1. I love your's more interesting than mine (or you've controlled your 'audience' better, and can say more of what you think)...anyway, I was just about to send you a post about how much I missed staying caught up with you girly! Those babies are presh! Leighton is doing the same stuff, and so fun to watch! ...that coughing is getting old when you realize you've fallen for it again, isn't it?
