Saturday, May 23, 2009

Avery is 2!!

Avery is so special that she needed two birthdays this year. One on Thursday night and one of Friday night. She loved each equally. Here are some pictures of both. Thank you to Sarah Baker and Lynda for all the pics, because I'm still camera-less and can't imagine not having pics of her big day!
Thursday night our "Davis" family gathered at Mom and Dad's for burgers and cupcakes ... It was so much fun! Avery got new shoes, a back pack (which she's been asking about for weeks now) some money for Target shopping, new cute clothes, and a beautiful vase of roses!

Avery struttin' her stuff in her new backpack and shoes!

Aunt Rah-Rah brought the most wonderful treats evah from Cupcakes on Kavanaugh!


We LOVE Big Poppa!

Me and my girl!

Dede let you have a cupcake before dinner ... I think you liked it!

Reading your card from Memaw (which for some reason, she has carried around for two days!)

4 Generations! Avery with her Mommy, Memaw, and Dede!

So sassy!!

The Bubba!!!

Mommy and the Birthday Girl!!

Then Friday night, Aaron's parents came over for more burgers and Dora cake!! They surprised Avery with her very own car and a new Dora purse!! Avery's thrill in life right now is to "Drive." She is always begging to sit in the drivers seat of cars and "dri! I wanna dri!!" So now she can just "dri" all day long!!

Getting in it the first time.

Loving her Dora cake!

Sharing with Bubba

Maw cleaning her up!!

More driving after bath time!

Gotta have her Dora purse ...

Bubba sneaking a turn ...

Uh-Oh! 2 new drivers!!

Dear Avery,
This week you turned two years old. I had envisioned writing this on your birthday, but with all the fun-filled festivities, there was just no time. I never knew that I could love a little bug, like I love you. You light up every day around here and I am so thankful that God gave me such an indescribable gift in you. This year you have started walking and talking. You have a new baby brother that you love so much and you have become quite fond of Dora the Explorer.
I have tried to think of some of my favorite things about you this year ... here are a few:

* When you were about 18 months old, you started this routine of every single day waking up in the morning, and after naptime reaching for your bow holder saying "bow, bow." You would then go get your shoes and bring them to me and beg to go "bye bye." You have always LOVED going "bye bye" and still ask almost every day. But something about bringing me the bow and the shoes was just the cutest thing ever.
* I love that you love to be around people and light up when someone arrives at the house ... even the bug man, haha.
* I love how you want to imitate everything I do. Whether I'm cooking, cleaning, talking on the phone or holding Dalton, you want to be doing the exact same thing. Such a sweet reminder that little eyes are always watching. :)
* I love all your animal noises, especially your "Raaarrr" for the lions and tigers and bears!
* I love how that one of your favorite things is to go feed the dogs with your Daddy. Throughout the day, you'll look out the window and say "feed feed!" You love to put on your John Deere or your little rubber much boots and run around in the yard with Popper and Slick and help daddy. You are such a good helper.

* Your favorite food is fruit. You pick it over sweets every time. However you did just discover popsicles, and they're a pretty close second!!!
* I love how much you love Bubba. You are such a good big sister and are always looking out for him. One of my all-time favorite stories happened at one of our pizza nights at the Sextons. It was the first time you had been around a cat- it scared you to DEATH (You must have inherited that from Da')! You just hated it and cried and cried! It was so unlike you, because you typically love all animals and want to cover them with a blanket and put them night-night. :) We finally put the cat up and all sat down at the kitchen table, except for Bubba who was laying on the living room floor playing with some toys. Dusty decided to go ahead and let the cat out of the laundry room while we were eating. Avery, you came UNGLUED! You saw that the cat was headed for the living room and were screaming "Bubba, Bubba, Bubba!" You did not want that cat to get your Bubba. It was the sweetest, funniest thing I have ever seen.
* You love the lake, the pool and being outside. I am so excited for another summer with you. I know you will just love it.
* I love how you randomly throughout the days are bowing your head and praying. It is by far the most precious thing I've ever seen. I don't even have to be in there, but I will find you in your big pink chair in your room, hands folded, head bowed, eyes closed saying over and over "MamaDadaBubba AMEN, MamaDadaBubba AMEN!" In your sweet way, you are already embracing that you are a child of God, and I know HE is so pleased with you.
* I love how you "baby" everything. You want to rock and "shush" every little thing you can and put them on a little pillow with a blanket. I just love it. The ladies in the church nursery always say how you just "mother" all the other little kids. You pat them on the back if they are upset, pull your chair up next to theirs and say "shh shh shh." I still remember when they told me that when you were about 15 months old. I told them, "well, she's a big sister." Their eyes got big and wide and said, "SHE'S a BIG sister!" You have pretty much ALWAYS been a big sister and I've really ONLY thought of you as a big girl because we found out Dalton was coming when you were only 5 months old. You have always been my sweet helper and I am so so so so proud of you. You are just the most delightful, thoughtful, precious, fun, loving, little girl in the whole wide world and I could not have imagined loving anyone like I love you in my wildest dreams. You are perfect in every way and I can't wait to find out a whole new lists of "favorites" for next year.


  1. I love your letter to Avery...makes me smile! :D

  2. i think that was by far the sweetest thing i've ever read!! you are such an amazing person/mom.
