Sunday, May 17, 2009

Weekend Update

Well people, it has been a fantastic weekend. Let me say that it all started on Thursday with Sarah Baker and I deciding we would join the thousands of women in direct marketing and become Arbonne Consultants. I have all but sworn I would never do this. I never go to the parties for similar companies and really thought that would be SO out of my comfort zone. I knew that people really loved Arbonne products, but really didn't have any interest in having the parties myself. Well, over the last couple months I've been trying to find something I could do from home. I looked seriously at selling a chilren's clothing line from home, but then I realized that you really only do shows a couple times a year. That's when I thought about asking a friend who did Arbonne about her business. It really amazed me the possibilities with the company, if you were willing to work just a few hours a week. As my sister, brother-in-law, husband and I looked into Arbonne we got really interested. We went to a couple meetings, have learned more about the products and are really excited about our new "venture." I am raising my right hand right now to promise this is not going to become an "Arbonne" blog.
So, Friday night we hung out here, Aaron had a softball game, so he did that and then came home and we watched Slumdog Millionaire. I really didn't like it. I think I'm just too maternal, and all those little kids being hurt and not taken care of is really hard to watch. I understand that that is going on, but.... I just hated it. Saturday, SB and I went to our first Arbonne meeting :) and we felt like we learned a lot and got even more pumped up about the potential.
Then Saturday night I picked Caroline up and we went to Hannah Kennedy and Jay O. Howe's wedding. It was really beautiful and we had a great time. I wish I could show you pictures, but my camera is still broken. I absolutely loved high school and all my friends there and it's always so fun to go to events where you get to see everyone together again. A lot of our high school and college friends were there and it was really great. Today I'm about to go pick up the kids from Aaron's parents in Hot Springs. I think we are going to have a little Balboa Beach Fun in the Sun before we come back to Bryant, so I know the kids will love that. Other than that, the sun has FINALLY decided to come out, my lillies are looking fabulous and I'm really excited about a sunny week. It's just gorgeous out there. Hope you are getting to enjoy it too.

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