Friday, February 13, 2009

25 Things About Me.

1. I am thoroughly convinced I have the 2 sweetest, cutest kids in the whole world and not a day goes by that I don't thank God for them.
2. I tell myself I have to have coffee in the morning, even though it's white from all the coffeemate and sugar.
3. I never ever leave my house without my seatbelt on. (and you shouldn't either, trust me, I know)
4. I think I'm at Target at least 4 times a week.
5. My day is not complete until I've talked to my mom, sisters, mother-in-law, and Lisa at least twice each.
6. I am a compulsive doodler.
7. Recently someone asked me what I liked to do when I wasn't with my kids and I thought about it for 2 days ... I still got nothin'.
8. I prefer to have a fire in the fireplace at all times .... Even when it's 75 degrees out. This drives Aaron crazy.
9. These days I measure success very differently ... shower+bible study+clean house+dinner readyby 6= a very successful day (and very rare).
10. One of life's simple pleasures is clean sheets. I would wash them every day if I had time- nothin' like it.
11. I believe God loves "fixer-uppers" and I'm proud to be living proof of one.
12. People energize me and I really don't need much "me time" by myself. (Which is good because I probably wouldn't get it anyway).
13. I am a huge cyber-stalker- watch out.
14. I am naively optimistic- I just always believe the best case scenario is going to work out.
15. I cannot WAIT to take Avery and Dalton to the lake and beach this summer.
16. Shang-ri-La on Lake Ouachita is my favorite place in the whole world.
17. Noone makes me laugh like my husband. He has the quickest wit of anyone I know.
18. Cooking is one of my favorite things- I would fix 6 course dinners every night if I had time ... and baby-sitters.
19. Everytime I walk outside in cold weather I think of people on the Titanic - no lie.
20. I would love 5 kids, but I'm becoming quite convinced God only calls a select few to be able to live through that.
21. I would monogram everything in my house ... def my fav
22. I am finally embracing Bryant, apparantly just in time to move even farther out.
23. I believe God loves a challenge- even if it's just to show you how big he really is.
24. I love that having kids has shown me just a tiny taste of how much God loves us.
25. Even being the baby-sitting queen I was ... nothing prepared me for how hard this mom thing really is!!

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