Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day Loves!!!

Happy Valentine's Day Loves!!
Today has been 100% delightful thus far! We woke up at about 7 because Dalton was ready to celebrate his first Valentine's Day. He drank his bottle and rolled around on the floor being as cute as can be. About 7:30 Aaron went out on the front porch and low and behold this was on the front porch ...


Yes, Mary Virginia had brought Starbucks over ... Apparently she drove through the night to come home and when passing through Bryant she decided to be the sweetest thing ever and bring over treats. I literally cried when I read it was from her. It was just such a random act of kindness that made me feel super special. Mare is seriously one of those people that I am just blessed beyond belief to know, and who I aspire to be more like. She's wonderful.
Well, muffins were definitely a hit with Avery and Dalton. Dalton was squealing with delight while eating them. I let them eat on the little play couch in the living room floor, while watching Backyardigans. I needed to vacuum the rug anyway, so what the heck???




Yes, Avery has a black eye. I think I left that out of my synopsis of the day from you know where. She climbed up in the highchair and it fell back on her. Poor thing. After they kinda woke up a little more I brought in the Valentine's surprises which Avery absolutely loved and Dalton even liked playing with his too!!




I gave Aaron the Lost season 4 DVDs last night so we could watch some.
Aaron got me the cutest sweetest necklace with the kiddos names on it. This is obviously not it, I just copied this from the website. I have loved it forever and am uber excited about it!!

Here is a pic of all the V-Day goodies. Avery loved the little Fancy Nancy purse and sunglasses and REALLY loved the coloring book and crayons. I have no idea why I haven't gotten her any before. She always colors at Mom's house and Aaron's parent's house. She's just been coloring away this morning.





This afternoon I took the kiddos to Aaron's parents and then we went to some of my family's good friends, the Riggans, wedding reception/party for their son Anthony, who is getting married in TX, but this way we can all celebrate too!!
All in all it was a Fabulous Day!! I couldn't feel more loved!!

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