Friday, February 13, 2009

Those Dang Sick Bugs.

Well troops, it has gotten worse. We found out Wednesday Dalton does have RSV. Isn't that horrible. I just sobbed and sobbed in the doctors office saying "he CAN'T have RSV! WE can't have RSV" ... we still have RSV. He just coughs and coughs and coughs. I've been doing his inhaler while he's sleeping though and that seems to work just fine. Avery is starting the coughing this morning, but it's much milder in older babies. I just remember Sarah Baker and Emerson having it at like 6 and 9 weeks and they had to be put in the hospital ... so scary.
Wednesday night from about 12-2 he cried and coughed his heart out. He didn't want a bottle, he bucked all around when I held him, and he screamed bloody murder when I laid him down. It was horrendous. Last night my mother-in-law spent the night so Aaron and I could escape for a little while. We went and got sushi and then to Starbucks for a treat! :)
However, I went to the doctor yesterday afternoon. Apparently I have a stone (like a kidney stone, but in my cheek) like in my salivatory gland. So it is infecting my whole cheek, jaw, ear.... super painful. I can barely open my mouth on the right side. I got some anti-biotics though, so hopefully I'll be over it soon! That was the "ulcer" I thought I was getting the other day. I mean seriously- what the heck is that???
ANYWAY! My mom is coming today to help me and let me run a couple errands ... I still need to grab a couple Valentine's Day surprises! :)
Well, loves, I gotta run. Hope you all have a FABULOUS Valentine's Day weekend!!

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