Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Turkey Day 2012 went off wirhout a hitch and I was definitely pleased and content with our first Thanksgiving in Pennsylvania. Def want to give credit where credit is due ... so if I was receiving a ribbon for participation I would like to start out by thanking Lynda Boone for coming to Pennsylvania for the holiday. She has a bigger servants heart than anyone I know and is the biggest encourager to me. So glad she was here.
Also, lets thank Danny Knox for cooking a fabulous bird. That took quite a weight of my shoulders and I'm thrilled that I didn't have to tackle that. It was Delish!!

Lynda and I cooked most of today. We made chicken and dressing, Paula Dean's sweet potato casserole, yeast rolls, roasted veggies, cranberry-apple salad, and Lynda's famous mini cream pies: chocolate and coconut. Yum. O.

Earlier today we woke up and watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, ate a yummy breakfast and drank hot chocolate (at least until it turned quite the mess!).

Then we got ready to go out and take some family pics. We were planning to go to our favorite park but it was closed ... Arg. So we went on QUITE an adventure for picture-taking-land ...
Finally we found some! It was way too close to nap time and they weren't on their best behaviors. Nothing like threatening spankings to make your crying, fit-throwing pre-schoolers to throw on their most angelic faces. Clearly that didn't work. I think we finally got a couple decent shots ... Kinda.

We came home for cooking for some, playing for a couple, and napping for some that shall not be named.

It was a scrumptious feast and I'm thankful for so many loved ones (new and old) to have spent time with today.

Thanksgiving love all the way from Pennsylvania.

-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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