Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Another Arkansas Visit

At the end of October a horrible super-storm, called Sandy, was going to sweep across most of the northeast and was predicted to cause unprecedented power outages through most of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and surrounding areas. Local and national news stations were inundated with critical warnings of crazy wind damage resulting in weeks with out electricity and heat. Yikes.

I. Was. Freaking. Out.

Even days without power seemed like a nightmare with three children. No laundry machines, TV, dishwasher, fridge, electronics ... "Oh My" doesn't really cover it. Maybe that sounds spoiled ... I hear ya. But going "cold turkey" literally for an unknown amount of time sounds awful.
On Sunday, October 28 we had a pow-wow with the Knox fam to discuss whether we should stay in PA or travel back to Arkansas to outrun the storm. I tried to stay quiet, since I obviously always think an Arkansas trip is necessary. Aaron was ready to pack and go too, until he talked to the people he worked with and they said with all the storms he would be needed the moment the storm was over and so he really didn't feel the freedom to take us home. And since all the airports were already closing, driving us home and flying back wasn't exactly an option either.
We finally decided to stick it out. Dun dun dunnnn ...

BUT, in Little Rock my dad had been hunting all weekend and upon returning home and hearing all the details of the storm he called Aaron to see if he could fly up and drive me and the kids home ... (do you hear a celestial choir breaking into a Hallelujah chorus? I sure did).
This was at 10:00 Sunday night and by 10:25pm he had booked a flight to Cleveland, Ohio (a five hour drive from our home in Pennsylvania) leaving out early Monday morning. And around 7:30 the next morning the kids and I set out ...

But, along the way Dad's flight from Chicago to Cleveland was cancelled because of the weather, so he hopped another flight to Dayton, Ohio. Another four hour drive ... but the kids did great! So thankful for movies, dum dums, and GPS!
By  the time we  finally met up with my Dad I was so happy to see him I could barely stand it.
He may as well have been wearing shining armor.

Love my daddy!

Aaron was staying safe at home ... thank goodness!

**Please notice the guns tucked into the lifejacket(s) hooked together.

We ended up driving straight through the night ...
We pulled into LR around 4:30am. Dede was ready to play! They all stayed up for about an hour and then laid back down. Sweet babies.
I woke up to this precious sight ... I love home.

Lisa tried to come see us at 4:30 since she was  up about to head to work anyway ... I talked her into waiting a few hours. I just love her oodles! We laughed about having matching phone covers, if that doesn't say besties I don't know what does!

We laid low on Tuesday ... there were lots of naps.

Wednesday was Halloween! So we made the rounds ... starting with Maw's office.

I love these little gremlins.

Then we went to Rachel's for some trick-or-treating ... these stinkers were there.

And these cowboys and Indian ... candy high. And poor Sawyer was still jet-lagged from the trip. Worst mood ever. That's as dressed as I could get him.

Rachy and I. We said we were Friday nights of past and present ... cheerleader and a deer widow.

I sure like him.

We got to see lots of family and friends.

Super fun pizza playdate at the Osborne's. Gee whiz I miss them.

Dinner with my PLU's ... you were missed Amy!

We also got to vote back in our actual town for the 2012 Presidential Election.

After a close race, Barack Obama was re-elected as the 44th President of the USA ... God Bless America.

Moving on ...

We spent a lot of time at Krista's Corral next door ... Avery even took her first horse lesson!


One of my favorite pasttimes is eating out ... really eating in general ... but especially eating at my fav hot spots. And this trip we ate at almost all my faves. I may have gone to Big Orange four times. Obsessed. Sayre, PA is not exactly known for their culinary arts ... I know you're shocked. So getting my fill (har har) was a must.
We ended at Chick Fil A ... how does a state as big as PA not have one?!?! AH!

I already miss this booger more than words ...

For the last few days we went to Paragould to stay with the Bolen crew ...

Then we stopped in Nashville, to meet baby Greer and hug my sweet Cabbie's neck ...

My fabulous mother-in-law rode home with us and is staying with us for Thanksgiving. That made it MUCH easier to leave Arkansas.

We'll be back soon enough for Christmas ... can't wait!

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