Friday, April 10, 2009


Well well well ... I'm back. After a grueling 2-3 weeks without my computer, the Best Buy Geek Squad finally fixed it for me. If only I would have gone there first ... whoops. Well, now I know.
I feel as though I haven't updated this in FO-EVA. The thought of trying to tell you all of the "Boone Family Happenings" of the last few weeks pretty much exhausts me ...
So here are the highlights:
- Moms 'n More has ended so we've started having weekly playdates ... love 'em. I love that it's controlled crazy. There are kids running all over moms trying to have conversations, nurse a baby, change a diaper, discreetly discipline, locate kids, love on babies. It's hilarious, and makes me realize other people's lives are as crazy as mine.
- The whole fam's allergies are in full swing, what the HECK did people do before allegra???
- One of my best friends, Morgan's, (One of my last posts was about her wedding weekend.) went in for a routine valve replacement surgery that she had had before on her heart went terribly wrong and it has been a long, hard 10 days praying and checking on her sweet family. She is SUCH a fighter. The doctors have told them over and over and over again what a miracle she is. To check on her updates go to The power of prayer is AHH-MAZING!! So please pray for their family.

- My physical therapy is FINALLY over. My knee doctor told me I really didn't have to go that often anymore (I was going 3x a week and it was getting SO ridiculous.) However the last couple days I've been wearing my knee support things because my knees are bothering me so bad. UGH!!!
- Today I was putting away groceries and I noticed there was only one carton of strawberries. I just KNEW I had bought two. I looked all over, checked the car for a missing bag and then I remembered Av saying she wanted some strawberries. I went in our bedroom and the container was empty on the floor. All the strawberries were in the corner of my rocking chair in there and I kid you not EVERY SINGLE one of the strawberries had a bite taking out of them. I didn't know whether to scream or laugh and that little munchkin. Ugh!!
8. The last week Dalton has been standing on his own and is kind of thinking about taking a step. I just can't STAND it!! He will be 10 months old next week. Yesterday I went to get him some new Robeez shoes and when I got home I put them on him and realized the 6-12 months were too small. I had to go back and exchange them for 12-18 months. Even though all his clothes are 12-18 months it made me really really sad. I just want him to be a baby forever. He is seriously the sweetest baby EVA!! So upsetting.
I guess that's really all for now ... I'll leave you with my new fabulous find. It is Paula Deen's recipe for a Southern Cornbread Salad. I made it the other night with an old fabulous find of the Crunchy Baked Chicken Tenders which are one of our favorite dishes ...
and I guess I'll give you the recipe for that too. Happy Easter Peeps!!

Crunchy Baked Chicken Tenders:
One package of boneless, skinless chicken tenderloins
One Sleeve of Ritz Crackers
I C Mayo
1/2 C Dijon Mustard
Fresh Cracked Pepper

In one shallow dish crunch up the Ritz crackers as fine as you can. Add in a stick of melted butter and combine. In a second shallow dish combine mayo, mustard and some fresh cracked pepper to taste. Dredge the chicken tender in the mayo mix, then roll it in the cracker mix. Bake on a baking sheet @ 375 for 25-30 minutes .... DIVINE!!

Southern Cornbread Salad

2 boxes of Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix
2 Eggs
2/3 cup of milk
Blend ingredients and expect batter to be slightly lumpy. Pour batter into a greased 9X13 pan and bake 20-25 minutes. Let cool

1 can niblet corn
1 can kidney beans
1/2 onion, diced
1 green bell pepper, diced
3 tomatoes, chopped
1 cucumber, chopped
1 large bag shredded cheddar cheese
1 80z bottle of Ranch Dressing (so much better if you make the ranch with the hidden valley packet mix)
Parsley to garnish

Cube the cornbread and place at the bottom of a large glass bowl or trifle dish. Layer on the corn, beans, onion, pepper, tomatoes, cucumber, shredded cheese and then cover with ranch dressing and let chill for at least 2 hours. Garnish with Parsley if desired.

I LOVE this recipe, I could eat it for days. I'm even bringing it for Easter. YUMMY!!

1 comment:

  1. word vomit!!!! HAHAHAHA...i cracked up when i read that bc i am the QUEEN of word vomit! are hysterical rebecca! the strawberry story is hilarious! i hope you have a wonderful weekend and a very happy easter =) love ya
