Sunday, April 12, 2009

An Egg-cellent Easter Weekend

I'm happy to announce that amidst rain and tornado scares this Easter was absolutely EGG-CELLENT!! :)

Friday night Aaron was working late and my Dad and Emerson had gone to the lake to go fishing, so the kids and I made the journey to Little Rock to stay with my mom. Rach and her boyfriend, John Marc were in town for the weekend and we had a grand ole time making dinner, hanging out and watching movies. I actually hate the movie we watched (The Other Boelyn Girl), it's just way too dark for me. So I spent the entirety of the movie cyber-stalking and picking out my new blog background, which I really really like!

We had a big egg hunt on Saturday at Mom and Dad's for Sarah's sister-in-law, Sarah and all her boys and Avery and Dalton. It was a beautiful day and we all had a great time. One of my best friend's, Caroline, even came in town and got to come over for a little while .... it was so great to see her face! She made me laugh at one point because we were sitting on the porch swing with Avery, who was trying to get in the front door. She was getting frustrated and started saying, "Mama, Mama, Mama." All of the sudden Cabs got a funny look on her face and said, "I just had a moment. She's not wanting to go into the house to see her mama, you're the mama." We laughed pretty hard at that one :) After the Egg Hunt Aaron took Avery home and Dalton took a nap, so I went with Sarah Baker to get manicures and pedicures because Mom got us manicures for Easter ... I guess you never grow out of Easter baskets, which is fine with me! :)
The kids loved being outside... and the candy. Here are a few pics from the fun-filled day.





Easter Sunday was absolutely wonderful as well. It was a horribly ugly day, but we made the best of it. I got the kids ready in their Easter best- the whole family was in green actually (Hehe). But when we got to church, both babies were asleep and had had massive allergy attacks for the previous 24 hours which meant no one was sleeping with it being so hard to breathe. It was POURING down rain, and the traffic at church was a nightmare. So after driving around in the parking lot for 15 minutes trying to plan our way inside the building we ended up going on to Mom and Dad's, they had gone to the earlier service. I know that's horrible, but that's what we did.
We got to Mom and Dad's and helped with last minute food preparation and delighted in the babies cuteness ... it was at an all-time high today :)
Then Aaron's parents, and all my grandparents came. We had such a great time. Mom is the best hostess. I love holidays at our house, everything is always so special. Everyone's plates had a little nest with an egg on it and a place card with your birthday. You found your birthday to find your seat ... how cute is that??
After an Ahhh-mazing lunch with all the fixin's of Ham, Brisket, Cornbread Salad, Green Beans, Mac 'n Cheese, Potato Salad, Deviled Eggs and more we all camped out in front of the TV to watch the Masters while the babies napped and we indulged in Chocolate Pie and Fruit Tarts. It was such a wonderful day.













Easter is a day that I could just be choked up about all day. It is such an amazing day for believers. Christ hung on a tree and died for our sins to rise from a tomb three days later. He fulfilled prophesy and bought us a ticket to eternity through His wounds. We sin over and over and over and over again and yet he loves us anyway and always sees the best in us, but through His suffering we have hope.

I love the verse in Hebrews (my favorite book) that tells us that "faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrew 11:1
Oh Sweet Savior thankyou for giving me hope for an eternity with You. Thankyou for loving me in spite of my tremendous downfalls. Thankyou for blessing me beyond measure. Thankyou for coming down here, leaving the side of the Father and enduring this painful world and taking on everything I have done wrong so that I can be washed clean and spend forever basking in the Glory of the Father. Glory be to God in the Highest! You are King of kings, and Lord of lords! Maker of Heaven and Earth, You speak the Sun into burning and the Moon into rising and yet You care about the little things that I care about. Thankyou with everything in me for putting a new song in my mouth and seeing me for what You want me to be. Thankyou for covering my sins with your blood and then rising again for my soul's fate. Oh Lord, You have risen- You have risen indeed ... and You reign today!!!!!!!!! Hallelujah!!!

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a fabulous weekend! love love this post, especially the last paragraph! love ya =)
