Saturday, March 14, 2009

Weekend Fun

Well, Folks it's been a grand ole' weekend at the Boone House. I was really displaced Friday because of our trip to Paragould mid-week, it just felt like a Monday. I was positively exhausted from my busy day of physical therapy and a fun-filled meeting. But I rushed home and made a delish Pork Tenderloin, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Asparagus and I even made Spicy Creamed Corn ... which I love. We all went to bed at a reasonable hour and I am happy to report no one made a peep in our house until 9:15. It was oh-so-wonderful. When the babies started talking Aaron brought them into our room and we all piled up in the bed to watch a little Noggin. After a couple rounds of diaper changes and some chocolate milk Aaron went to get donuts, which are one of my least favorite breakfast items, but he tried. I let them eat their donuts on a blanket in the living room and Avery kept giving Dalton bites of her donut. It was sinfully, unhealthily sweet.

Then we packed everyone up to go to Dede and Poppa's (my parents) house. Rachel was home from UofA for Spring Break!!!!! Yay!!! Ben and Sarah Baker were over there too and we all ate a little Old World Pizza and played with the kids. Dad announced he had bought a Party Barge for the lake. YAYYYYY!!!!!!! The ski boat was getting pretty cramped with all these grandkids so I could not be more pumped about a Barge. I made all our lake reservations in January so I've been counting down until May for quite some time. There is NO place I'd rather be that Lake Ouachita. Seriously. Dad always asked us when we were little where we wanted to spend out week long vacay in the summer and we always voted the lake over the beach, is that weird?? We don't think so.

Rachel came home with us to hang out but when we got there Aaron told us to go have a girls night and he would keep the kids (umm ... yes- he's wonderful). So we went to Cantina Laredo- it was so wonderful, as usual. I love it! However, we each got a Margarita and we seriously only could drink about half. They were wayyyyyy strong. So be careful there.

After getting home to a PERFECTLY CLEAN house .... no lie, my husband is awesome. I took a couple Benadryl for my allergies and zonked out. I was pretty hazy the next morning when I woke up just in time to get the kids on the road again. Some of Aaron's family was in town from Missouri on Sunday so we all went to his cousins to visit. It was a pretty fun day!!

I have GOT to get this post up since I've been working on it for several days, but I'll post pics soon!


I think we told Maci and Avery to chill out on the snacks before lunch and they aren't happy about it!

Eating some lunch

Bubba getting some apple cake and cool whip from Bobo ... loves it!


A little cat nap after lunch ...

He's getting so big!

I remember thinking when I found out he was a boy "what the heck am I going to do with a boy??" Umm ... love him to pieces!!!!!!!

Avery and sweet Amber

Avery loves Amber!

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a fun weekend! that is so awesome of aaron to tell you and rach to have a girls night and THEN to clean the house!! i love that! hope youre having a wonderful week love =)
