Thursday, March 12, 2009

Paragould Visit

I am typing about 4 words per minute right now. I am just pooped out from our big venture to Paragould, AR to see Aaron's sister, Ashley and her family. We went up yesterday morning and stayed the night. After the weather got all "blizzardy," we left about noon today. I let the kids skip their morning nap yesterday thinking that they would surely sleep the whole way there. We left about noon and stopped at Chik-fil-A before picking up Aaron's mom. They did sleep the whole way to Little Rock, but as soon as Lynda got in the car they were up. They may have slept a couple 15 minute stretches, but for the most part, they were "up an at 'em."
We arrived to an excited Ash and Ryley and really had a great time watching the cousins run and laugh and play. The night was pretty uneventful and enjoyable until bedtime. Again, I was sure that since they really hadn't napped and had been going strong all day, early bedtime and uninterrupted sleep was inevitable. Wrong again. Dalton went down about 7:30-8ish (he fell asleep drinking his bottle and left about half, so he was obviously exhausted) however he woke up about 9:15 needing me. I rocked and coddled him back to sleep for him to only wake up about 10 minutes later. This time Lynda got him and rocked him for a while. I wrestled Avery. But since we only brought one "pack 'n play" which Dalton was supposed to reside in, Avery was going to sleep with Lynda. She pretty much refused to fall asleep. Finally I switched with Lynda and we laid Dalton down. He pretty much woke up every hour and a half two hours and ended up sleeping with me (or on top of me I should say) in a twin bed. Oh well ... We were making memories.
This morning we were busy in the kitchen and realized Avery was missing. Lynda went and checked on her and she was IN the sink ... uh-huh, with the water running. You know, only mildly dangerous. Aaron didn't really find this entertaining. Even more importantly, I think that was the third time I had to change her PJs this morning. She is such a mess.

This morning we woke up to a BLIZZARD. It was snowing like crazy! In case you need a recap, scroll down to my last pics of a few days ago ...when it was 80 DEGREES! AGH!!
We left this morning and scurried home trying to escape the ice and snow. I cat-napped a little on the way home, but Dalton really wanted me to know he didn't like being in his carseat the whole way home, so my naps didn't last long.
Here are a few pics of our big trip :)










  1. i didnt know lr got snow!! what day was it? fay was supposed to get like an inch or two, but got nothing expect for a little bit of sleet!

  2. That was in Paragould, AR. Up next to Jonesboro.

  3. hi - i saw your blog on babybangs' blog, and noticed you're in bryant - so am i! yes, i'm a lurker, but it's rare to see one from bryant! i've got a newly turned 2 y/o, and one in the oven. my kids won't be as close together as yours, although i'm still thinking i'll be pretty tired - lol. anyway, just thought i'd say hi! oh, and do you go to church around here?

  4. We go to Fellowship Bible Church. Sometimes we go to the one in Benton, but most times we go to the one in LR.
