Friday, February 20, 2009

A Whirlwind of a Day ...

Today is going to be a whirlwind of a day...
Derrick and Morgan are two of our best friends who are getting married March 21 and Aaron and I are so excited! We are both in the wedding and are so happy for them.
Mom came to get Avery and I am trying to get the house ready for tomorrow. We are having a tool shower for Derrick at our house tomorrow night. 3 other couples are helping. We are doing Mexican food and there are going to be a heck of a lot of people at my house. AGH ... about right now I'm kinda thinking "what the heck did I sign up for??" I'm a little stressed, but the truth is I have no reason to stress. It's pretty much all done. I'm making my food tonight and a lady is coming to clean the house in the morning and Aaron's mom is getting Dalton at 1 ... so it's fine, it's fine, it's fine. I have to keep telling myself this!
All in all I'm excited- I really think it's going to be fun! I just think I can get overwhelmed and starting getting really self-conscious about stuff when I have things like this. For whatever reason I LOVE to have people over. I really do! I love cooking and hanging out with people at our place and I just really enjoy that. My mom told me once that there is a difference between hospitality and entertaining. That entertaining is all about me, it's look at this food I've made, how nice my house looks, how wonderful everything is. But being hospitable is all about them. Making sure your guests are comfortable and feel welcomed and are having the best time they can have. I just really hope that everyone has fun!
Anyway I've gotta get back to getting this house in order. I think I spent all day sweeping, mopping, cleaning every surface on Wednesday and SOMEHOW it is a complete disaster again ... shocker.

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