Saturday, February 21, 2009

My 1st Shower!

Hola Amigos! Today is the day of our Mexican Fiesta Tool Shower for Derrick. I am really excited! The cleaning lady just left and my house is smelling all fresh, clean and just Fabuloso! I still need to tackle my closet and Avery's. My closet doesn't have a door on it and as soon as you open my bedroom door you are greeted by our mess hall of a walk-in-closet. Pretty high on my non-negotiable list for the new house is His and Hers walk-in-closets. I am done sharing with Aaron. As my mother-in-laws preacher's son would say "sharing makes me angry."
I'm about to tackle the fireplace first. It's quite full of soot and I've been meaning to do it for some time! Today is the day ...
Then Aaron is headed to meet Mom to get Avery and take her to her first Birthday Party. Well, I guess she's been to a couple before, but now she can walk and it's for someone her age- Will Sexton. I hate that I'm not going to be there, but I've got a bunch of stuff to do around here. Aaron's mom is coming to get Bubba at 1 and my mom and Sarah Baker will be here at about 2:30 to start getting it all ready! Yay! I hate that it's raining and even a possibility for snow- but "Acuna Mattata" (it means no worries, what a wonderful phrase ...)
Tonight's Menu includes 4 different kinds of enchiladas (beef, sour cream and chicken, shrimp, and cheese) spanish rice, refried beans, queso, guacomole, salsa and a few desserts ... Sounds good to me.
Have I told you that Dalton is pulling up on the couch! Eek!! He is! It's absolutely precious because he is so excited when he gets up but it scares me to death when he falls down. I've been keeping literally every pillow in the house around the couch so that he just falls on a pillow mound. It's so crazy how much I love that little man. It's so different having a boy and a girl. I love them so differently. I loveeeeee Avery Elizabeth Boone more than anything in the whole world. I think I just think of her as such a big girl (at 21 months old today). Even though she is SUCH a baby!
And that baby boy ... there is nothing like it. I just giggle and laugh at all his little coos and sounds all day.
Children are God's greatest gift in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Rebekah I LOVE hearing you talk about your babies! They are soooo sweet and it is so fun to see you be a Mommy. I couldn't help but wonder one thing when I read this post...why didn't you name Avery Summer or Autumn? I think I could find the cassette tape if I need to remind you where those names are from...

    Hope the shower was great! It sounds that you did an awesome job!
