Wednesday, June 25, 2014


If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you probably saw more than you wanted to of the Davis Family Vacay last week. Unfortunately, I am pretty sure I have some sort of personality disorder that disables me from being able to do too many fun things without documenting it in social media, and with the amount of fun moments we enjoyed, a few too many pics were posted. 
 For Christmas this year my parents gave us the best Christmas gift ever: A beachhouse in Seaside, Florida for a week!
It. Was. The. Best. Week. Ever.
I literally just kept smiling and saying "I'm so happy!!" All my favorite people at the most fabulous place for a whole week!! Eekkkk!! I just loved every single minute!!
We left out Saturday, May 24 and arrived in Fort Walton Beach that evening. Thank ya Lawd Jesus that we didn't have to drive the 21 hours. The transporting three kids through several airports was tiring, but not nearly as tiring and nerve frazzling as the days in the car it takes to go back to the south.
If you've never been to the idyllic town of Seaside, Florida then add it to your Bucket List. It's definitely a family hot spot with families riding through the square on bikes, matching smocked clad groups of children, concerts and events held nightly in the amphitheater and just all things fun.
 Doing ANYTHING with my family is fun, but being at this fabulous hot spot was just TOO fun!! Did I mention it was fun?
As always, a picture is worth a thousand words ... so I have about a gazillion to share and remember from the fun-filled-Davis-fam-getaway!!! Thanks Dede and Pop Pop!!!!
 The first part of the week was unbelievably perfect weather-wise. The temperature hovered around 85,  the water was clear with the ideal sized waves and the breeze was lovely. It was just so wonderful.


I love the seriousness of Noah Wellons. His specialness is just TOO much for words and I loved getting to snuggle him whenever I wanted this week. Aunt Bekah LOVES you, sweet boy!

I miss this sweet baby so much my heart aches. I seriously just keep ordering her birthday happies for her big ONE year mark next month because I am just so stinkin' excited I'll be able to be there in PERSON to celebrate at her party and I'm determined to buy her affection. So, there.
The Seaside Square really was SUCH a highlight for the trip. It was just the perfect night time activity. There's sno-cone stands, ice cream trucks, live music, all kinds of shops and markets, plus a HUGE grassy area for kids to just run rampant. Fav.
We loved going down to the square in the mornings to eat breakfast and just "stroll" before beach time.
 The "Raw and Juicy" smoothie bar was my personal fav, but we had to go get Great Southern's amazing cheese grits and bacon pecan waffles (shut yo mouth!!) several mornings, as well.
This boys went out early Monday morning with AB, and I went out later with Avery, Sarah Baker and Hallie Grace ... Lucky me!! I mean ... I can't handle the sweetness, the cuteness, the PERFECTION of Hallie Grace Wellons!!
Obsessed, much? I think not.
I'm pretty partial to this built-in-bestie as well. She just has my whole heart. Totally smitten with the sassy sister.
On Monday we went down to our friends, the Paine's, beach house for dinner. I heart them. :)
And their ocean view was kind of awesome. That's my only complaint about Seaside, most of the houses are back in the "groves" and not on the ocean. So I didn't leave the balcony very much that night!

Tuesday was another fantabulous day on the beach. Dalton proved to be our resident beach bum. He would always go down with the first crew, and come in with the last group to come home. He played in the waves, built castles in the sand and would even wrap up in a towel, climb in a beach chair and watch the waves for long periods of time. He love, love, LOVED the beach.

I do love a beach day.
I also love this.

A lot.

Apparently a common sentiment.
Oh, and I really love this too.

She may have him wrapped right around her finger.

I could cry ... Clearly, I'm always a little over the top emotionally, but these two are right up at the tip-top of best ever people. SO blessed to have them as mine.

Oh, and these people. My cup runneth over.
Wahhhh .... Don't even get me STARTED on these two. Bound and determined to be back in Arkansas to live life with them SOON. I may be living in a cardboard box, but whatevs.
Need to be able to see them in person at least three times daily.
The kids had the BEST time getting to be with their cousins ... lots of love there.

Noah and Sawyer were MUCH bigger fans of the pool than the beach ... and having just a door separating us from the pool at the house proved to be a little troubling for some. There was weeping and gnashing of teeth every time someone had to get out ...
Wednesday was another beautiful day at the beach and stayed out there almost all day. I'm so glad we took advantage of it because it was really the last pretty, sunny day we had.

Wednesday evening we decided to take a trip down to Rosemary beach to see a kids play they were doing out in the square, eat dinner and take some family pics. Rosemary was beautiful!! It had a totally different vibe than Seaside, but it was very fun and I'm glad we ventured over that way.

My peeeeeee-ople!!!!! Love them so!!!
Look at these wild hoodlums. Love their faces off!!

I kinda can't handle the cuteness happening in Sawyer always wanting his arm around Dalton.
Those boys!

My tribe.

I can't even tell you the joy that I found in having matching dresses. I don't even care about how dorky that is. I loved it. And Avery loved it. Which makes me love it even more.

The men in my life.


The Wellons Fam.

The Haynes Fam.


Hubba Hubba.

My parents and brother, Emerson.

He loves his pic being taken almost as much as Rach.

We all kind of split up after pictures because babies were crying and it got crazy.
But, because we're the favorites Mom and Dad came with us. Mwah-ha-ha.
The Pop Pop made sure we stopped for ice cream before going home. A few things my kids (and, me too) will probably associate with my dad ... Ice cream and Popcorn are high on the list.
So, Thursday was super dreary. Major storm, lightening, the whole deal. It was POURING.
We went in and out of little boutiques and found fun things to take home, but not the day
I had envisioned. By four o'clock we were ready to go out on the town and do something after having been cooped up all day. So Aaron Boone made the executive decision that the Boone fam was headed to Panama City to eat and find some fun. Taylor (Emerson's bestie and our adopted extension of the Davis fam) and Emerson jumped in with us while the rest of the Davis brood regretfully declined.
Their loss! We really did have so much fun!
We went to the Back Porch and had a super yummy dinner.
Then we found a go-cart track that my kids pretty much thought was the best thing ever.
Aaron, Taylor and Emerson had a big time as well.
Oh, and I sat on a bench and found a new Plexus customer ... because that's how I roll. Holla!

Super fun night!


 Friday morning it was overcast and not lovely, but the boys went fishing in Old Bay (somewhere inland) and apparently had the best time. I was glad they got out to do that together. They had split up and played golf several times, but I love knowing that just the boys went on a fun outing.
While they were fishing the rest of us braved the cloudiness and seriously willed the clouds to part enough for us to go hang out on the beach. The waves were OUT of CONTROL so not much swimming happened, but it was still a nice day out by the water.



When Aaron got home he came down to the beach for a while but then wanted to see a couple of the shops we told him about it Watercolor, so we road our bikes down there.
Dalton stayed behind to go on a bike ride adventure with Pop Pop.
That night we all kind of picked our own spot to eat around the square as we
enjoyed our last night in Seaside.

I ran straight to the Taco Shack, of course.
After sno-cones we were all supposed to meet down at the beach for a surprise bonfire set up complete with s'mores.
It was the cutest thing but the rain came back and literally rained on our parade. Mom had gotten our favorite wines and Dad had gotten the boys cigars but we had to throw it all in the truck for a house party.
So, if you know Gene Davis, you know the man loves a ceremony. Every birthday party, date, or special event was blessed with a Gene Davis message and the end of this trip deserved one as well.
So, he brought all the hubbies cigars and thanked them for being so awesome. He even dubbed them each a funny name ... I think AaronBoone was something like "The Warrior of the North."
Don't you just love the Pop Pop??

Salut, y'all.

Muah! Love this "Warrior of the North!"
The next morning we were up bright and early to head home. Until next year, Seaside!!
You were so much fun!!!

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