Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Easter 2013

This year it was just our little Boone family, party of five here on Easter. It turned out to be wonderfully wonderful and we had a great day.
I was so exciting to see the kiddos catching on to the miracle of Easter and what we really celebrate every day in our Christian walk ...
He died, that we might live.
He mightily saved us from death, gracing us with eternal life.
He thought of us above all.
For God so loved the world.
What love is this?
Oh! Amazing love.
Saturday we went to an Easter Egg Hunt on the High School football field. Picture a gazillion eggs, but five gazillion children. And freezing temperatures. And teenagers from the history club trying to lead "the chicken dance" for toddlers who were throwing tantrums one right after the other waiting to fill their baskets
with no interest in said chicken dance (does anyone have any interest in the chicken dance? No? That's what I thought.)

After they blew the whistle the five gazillion kids darted onto the field getting their 2-4 eggs per person. And it was over in like 45 seconds. Kinda wanted my money back.
It did turn out to be a pretty day so we played all day at the park which was lovely.
Aaron went out that night to fill Easter baskets ... He said I always get to do the "fun stuff" and he wanted a turn (made me laugh). I've never seen more candy in my life. Wish I would have taken a pic, he did a great job. :)
Easter morning we woke up a little late (shocker) and so Easter baskets were eaten thru in the car in attempt to spoil their cute outfits. Good thing I snapped a pic early on!

Love these lambies!
Our series at church the last few weeks preceding Easter were about Epic Fails prepping us for a fabulous sermon on the Epic Win we have in Christ.
We are so, so blessed.
Dalton and Sawyer sang in big church that morning. Cutest, cutest thing.
We went to brunch at The Cellar in Owego, NY with the Knoxesband Noordhoek's; the food was oh-so-delish and the company was delightful. See ...

The rest of the day included looonggg naps and watching The Bible mini-series.
So thankful He rose! Thank you Jesus! Hurry back!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Owego, NY

1 comment:

  1. Missing the Boonies updates! Hope ya'll are doing well!
