Wednesday, February 6, 2013

100th Day

Today was Avery's 100th day of Kindergarten ...or at least the school's 100th day ... we've missed a few more than a few thanks to Sandy. Oops.
Avery wanted to make a shirt after I showed her a couple ideas from Pinterest and it turned out moderately cute ... somehow I didn't get a pic of it really?!?!
However, I volunteered in her sweet little class today and got some pics of their fun-filled day.

See the little boy on the far left sittiing at the table? His name is Damien. Today as I was helping him with an activity he said, "you know what? You sound like a cowboy." I laughed for about two minutes. I thought about telling him he sounded like a character from Jersey Shore, but refrained. I'm obviously winning spiritual battles left and right.

I hear lots about this cutie. Avery thinks he's pretty great.

This is Avery and her BFF Mary Rose ... you can kind of see her 100 shirt here.

Cutie Patootie, Mary Rose.

That little boy is a doll ... he makes me laugh. I kinda want to keep him.

We really do LOVE Avery's school, teachers, and friends. She's had a great 100 (ish) days!

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