Wednesday, January 23, 2013


They say "no news, is good news" ... Maybe they're right.We're kind of hibernating right now from the daily freezing temps and sporadic snow falls. Life is just moving idly along, and I feel like almost every night since getting home for Christmas I've gone to bed thinking "today was a good day."

I feel content. At peace. Just happy. It's a very nice feeling.

With nothing really to report, here are some snapshots of our days ... not very exciting ... but memories nonetheless.

Lots of play dates, dinners and outings with the sweet Wanck fam ...

Plenty of lazy PJ days ...

I celebrated completing a great bible study on the book of James with these ladies!
(And a few who weren't able to make our dinner.)

Fun out on the town ...

And inside the house ...

And plenty of time in the snow.

I think that about sums it up ... dreaming of warm weather ... I might just settle for above freezing.

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