Thursday, December 20, 2012


We made another trip home from Pennsylvania. I checked Avery out from school and we piled in Aaron's truck for the 1200 mile trek home.

It was my fifth time to make the cross-country voyage ... Yuckiness. But, so, so worth it.
With Aaron driving, we go straight through-meaning we left town around 1pm and arrived at my parents at 6:45 am. He barely allows bathroom breaks. It's all business.
I feel like the trip felt very weighted. I'm just so heart broken for someone I barely know. Facebook allows community to seem smaller, friend circles to become broader and lives always much closer. Friends and family of one of those lives have been crying out to God for the last week for healing of another mama just like us. One that loves Jesus, one that is loved by many, especially her three darling babes.
After a series of strokes and surgeries she is fighting for her life in Austin, Texas. My heart is just broken for she and her children. I keep a running tab of prayer requests in the notes section of my phone to be consistently praying for those close and sometimes far from me. Sometimes it's someone that I share a roof with and sometimes it includes something broad like the Friends and families of the Sandy Hook tragedy that I'll probably never meet, but am heartsick for nonetheless. She's high, high on my list right now. One of my most desperate petitions.
I couldn't help but feel ill driving home praying for Sarah Henry. I still do. I'm still checking in with those close to her and constantly looking on the Caringbridge site for updates.
I know God is who says He is. I believe His ways are perfect. But I'm so homesick to be in His eternal presence sometimes I can't stand it. I'm tired of a world full of death and despair. Pain and suffering.

I just want Him.
I just want His joy.
I just want His peace.

I like so many others are lifting up this sweet mama. Her children, her babies.
Will you join me in crying out to our Creator? I just can't handle the thought of her not coming out of this healed.
I know He hears us. I know He is able. I know He loves to answer His children. I know He promises a hope and a future.

I'm praying for a miracle ... A big one.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Feeling the same way Rebekah - I don't even know Sarah and I can't stop thinking about her and her kids these past few days. Praying with you.
