Monday, October 15, 2012

Weekend Update: Falling into Autumn

It definitely seemed "fallish" this weekend with crunchy leaves underfoot, pumpkins on every stoop, and temperatures calling for layers of warmth.

Our weekend seemed unexpectedly, but excitingly full;  It was the perfect mix of outingsand rest.
Friday, Avery's school had a "Family Fun Night," and we had fun attending. We almost didn't make it because everyone ended up taking super late naps and were still asleep as it became time to start getting ready to go.
Even Avery and Aaron crashed on the couch ...

We had a great time making different crafts, sampling "super" foods, and getting faces painted. It was a great night!

After all the family fun we ran by Wendy's on the way home and I DIED laughing when Avery (Spidergirl) said she wanted a "Son of a Baconator" sandwich. Maybe not as funny typed out ... But it was in the moment. :)
The Son of a Baconator ...

Saturday morning we all slept in and then went to a parade in town celebrating the Athens Homecoming Festivities (the HS where Avery attends Elementary). We went over to watch it with the Wanck's so we could see it passing by. It kind of reminded me of being back in Bryant and the "small town feel" of parades and Friday night lights ... Or in this case, Saturday night lights. But whatevs.

We napped the afternoon away and Avery had her best friend over to play for a few hours while Aaron hunted. We ordered pizza and the kids ran themselves into exhaustion. They were extra busy, leading to extra tired, leading to early bedtimes. Score!

Sunday morning the kids talked us into donuts ...
After breakfast we enjoyed the "warm spell" of almost seventy degrees and the kids played outside for most of the day.

MmmKay ... at this point in the day it was around 65 degrees. Please note that Avery is in a fleece and Dalton has long sleeves and pants on. Now, find Sawyer. The child is naked. Again. Why?!?! I scooped him up and dressed him immediately ... he was extremely annoyed. That boy.

The leaf pile made for excellent jumping:

Everyone napped and I cleaned house and caught up on Pioneer Woman episodes. While discussing dinner options Aaron said those three majical words that always make me swoon: "Let's go out." Mexican food and  a Target run .... He knows the way to my heart.

All in all, it was a great weekend.

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