Sunday, October 21, 2012

Weekend Update: Another October Weekend

So, I'm coming to the conclusion that Fall is probably Pennsylvania's most glorious time of year. I may sound like a broken record, but I don't care: Pennsylvania is amazingly beautiful. It is. We are surrounded by mountains/ ridges here that are covered in the mostly brightly colored trees I've ever seen ... It is just unbelievable. Pictures just can NOT do it justice, especially not my iphone pics. I don't think I'll ever get used to it; at least I hope I don't.

I'm actually going to start our "weekend" update with Thursday so I can document Aaron's first Pennsylvania deer ... It was kind of a monster; I've never seen a deer that big. Not his antlers, but his body. That thing weighed 285 pounds. Huge.

I'm kind of annoyed that none of my pictures allow you to see the sheer mass of this thing ... But, believe me. He was big.

Friday Aaron needed to take his deer to be processed and then go look for a book for his new men's group, so the boys and I tagged along. We drove out in the country to find the meat processor and then into town to run some errands.
After we wore the boys out we decided to test our limits and try to take them to eat ... Eventful, but not awful. The restaurant was also a dairy barn, so we sampled their treats.

That night Aaron had bible study so the kiddies and I had a movie night. They wanted a fort, but this was the best I could do.

And those aren't snacks they're eating ... That's dinner. Yep. Clearly I would not be a good single mom.

They watched The Prince of Egypt almost all the way through. Then they started getting extra silly so we started putting babes to bed.

Saturday we were pretty lazy ... Aaron and Avery ran a few errands, I took a shower ... Good times for all.

I cooked a bunch of yumminess for dinner: Ranch Style Chicken, Twice Baked New Potatoes, and a yummy green salad with all of our favorite ingredients: Romaine, Baby Spinach, Bell Pepper, Banana Pepper, Red Onion, sautéed mushrooms, cheddar cheese and croutons. Oh ... And the star attraction: homemade ranch. I'm typing all that out to remind myself to make it all again very soon.
Pretend not to notice the fact that all three of those dishes have a hearty helping of cheese ... Oopsy.

That was pretty much our Saturday ... It's a life of excitement for sure.

Saturday night Sawyer decided to wake up about 512 times, Aaron even put him on the couch and turned on the movie Secretariat ... he stayed awake through the entire thing. What?? He continued to wake up several more times ... not okay. He totally botched our plans to try out a new church this am, thanks Saw-Dog.
 However, after naps we went on a VERY fun outing! Our sweet Pennsylvania friends, the Wanck's, invited us to Dawn's parent's, the Thrush's, house in Milan, PA. The Thrush's have a small dairy farm and lots of acreage and beautiful property. The kids got to play hard with the Wanck's boys, Parker and Graham who Dalton and Sawyer are a wee bit obsessed with. Dalton had been counting down how many more "night-nights" for several days, and I think it lived up to his expectations: four-wheeler riding, hay-bale jumping, creek splashing, cow feeding, bonfire burning and more ... it was SO fun.

I made them take some family snapshots before they got too filthy ... good call.

Clara, the calf, was just six weeks old.


Avery was a little less interested in the creek splashing and fire building ...

The Thrush's were LOVELY and I so enjoyed their hospitality. Mrs. Donna made a Panera copy-cat Broccoli and Cheese Soup and homeade breadsticks (yum!!); Dawn brought a batch of Chicken and Corn Chowder yumminess; and I brought the Pioneer Woman's Olive Cheese Bread and a "Better than Anything" cake. I think everyone left with full bellies.
 Donna and Curt were wonderful to host such a crazy group of kiddos, let us play all in their home (not get mad or even flustered when we found Sawyer painting his nails bright red on their carpeted stairs ... even though I almost died right there) and feed us too. It was such a nice day, and honestly such a sweet blessing and reminder that God is going to meet us just where we need Him, when we need Him. That He cares about little HUGE things like putting sweet, Christ following people in our path to welcome us in and make us feel right at home. Thank you, LORD!

 I really think it may have been my favorite Pennsylvania day to date. Loved our weekend.

Hope you have a GREAT week!

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