Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Trip to the City.

The absolute hardest part of being away from Arkansas is being away from my fab fam (I know, I know- you're shocked). Even though we still talk via phone, group text and FaceTime multiple times a day it's not the same. I miss them so much it hurts sometimes. But, one of my friends who moved far away for her husbands residency told me that if you just have something to look forward to once a month, you'll be okay. So, so true ... Having something on the calendar helps me tons.
One of the things I've been looking forward to for several months was our girls trip to NYC. We try to mix a teensy bit of sight- seeing slash educational activity in so that we don't have to tell our husbands what the trip really is ... A shopping trip. We shop 'til we drop and think it's the most fun thing ever. Because it is.
And honestly, our husbands are probably happy to be off the hook of us wanting them to take us on said trip.

We started counting down the days until we were reunited again almost a month ago and were literally squealing in the immediate days before. We would send each other hilarious (well, we thought they were hilarious) pics and videos doing happy dances and giddy smiles of excitement. Our husbands even started in on it too ... Although they were just mocking us. But, believe me there was no way to rain on our parade.

Monday morning I set off on quite an adventure. I drove to the Newark International Airport in NJ to park my car and ride a train into the city. I almost broke into tears SEVERAL times out of being utterly overwhelmed and confused ... But, I finally made it. I think I thought since it was just a few hours away, driving was a no-brainer. However, looking back it would have been much less stressful and actually less expensive to just fly. Yikes. Wish I would have known that before. I had a friend who lives in NYC who walked me through the process through email before I left ... it sounded easy enough. But, actually doing it really wasn't. The fact that the NJ transit/train system and subway system is for the general public's intelligence level is beyond me ... I have never felt more stupid in my whole life.
I'll leave it at that ... Let's just say it was a very humbling experience.

Here I am setting out ... Ignorance is bliss apparently.

Here I am a few short hours later riding around the Newark airport on the AirTran that I thought was going to bring me to Penn Station. It really just went around and around the airport. Only took me 30 minutes to figure that one out ... Mmm Hmm.

Mom, Rach and SB also had a wee bit of drama after missing their 6:30 am flight.

They're the cutest.
Good morning all around ... but it got much, much better.

FINALLY reunited!!! We had dinner at a charming little Italian restaurant that was fabulous.

I look orange here ... I have no idea why. Hopefully it was just strange lighting.

SB won "best dinner selection" for the night ... Those pork chops were humungous and quite possibly the best thing I've ever eaten. Yum to the O.

My mom's sweet friend, Leigh, and her daughter, Grace, joined us for the week; they were perfectly delightful.


Hollllllllllaaaaa!!!!Oh heyyyy there Chris Noth! Aka "Big" from Sex and the City or Law and Order star/The Good Wife hottie. He just HAD to have his picture taken with us and we complied ... we just can't go anywhere.

That night we went looking for the new Piperlime store and were SO sad to see it was closing in about three minutes ... so we went to Serendipity. I'm not a big fan of the food, but the frozen peanut butter hot chocolate is fantabulous.

Queen of the cross-body bags.

Love, love, love, LOVE my sisters.

Sooooooooo .... after this I got bamboozled into riding the Subway. I did NOT want to at all and almost stamped my foot. But, I didn't.

I have no idea why they're smiling.

Side note:

These are what I wore ALL over NYC. MmmHmm. Day 1: Boots; Day 2: Glitter Flats; Day 3: SB's Pumas ... with Dr. Scholls socks. Bwahahaha Those things were the most comfortable thing EVER. They saved my life. Or at least my feet.
Second side note: We were so confused at why it took ten minutes to get some help in the Saks Shoe Dept. Then I looked down and BUSTED out laughing. It was even funnier in person, promise.

One of the best things we did was go to Ground Zero, walk through the museum, memorial, and St. Paul's Chapel.
It was beautiful, emotional and they have truly made beauty out of ashes. I can't believe it's already been eleven years.All I could think about was what I would have done if I had been there with babies. A'l the people searching for loved ones ... It still breaks my heart eleven years later.

Definitely worth a trip.

Then we finally got to Piperlime and it was one of my very faves. It was super nice, wonderful staff and just ... nice.Loved it. We stopped in at a fun little restaurant for happy hour with my favorites. I just love my people.

Speaking of my people, Emily Brown was in town for market for Tulips in Little Rock and we met up with her for dinner. She is SO fun and I always have so much fun with her sweet self.

We left dinner and went to "Don't Tell Mama"s for more fun.

The next morning we got a late start but woke up and shopped around before taking a carriage ride around Central Park. I don't care how Touristy it is, I love it and hope to go on one every time I visit NYC. Yay tourists!

We had the yummiest brunch at SaraBeth's and then went to shop some more. By this time I was wearing thin ... It's just a LOT of going and walking!
That night SB and I went to dinner and shopped some more while the rest of the crew went to the Lion King. I knew I would regret it later (and I do) but I just couldn't do another thing. I think Sarah Baker and I had showered and were in bed by 9.
The last morning we woke up and ate at a fun place by our hotel, Juniors and then did ... dun dun ta dunnn: MORE shopping.

Loved my rock crystal latte stirrer.

LOVED our week in NYC and can't wait to go back with y'all next year!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Oh, thank you, Rebecca! I had high hopes you would post about your trip after seeing all of your Instagram pics! I am so glad ya'll had fun! Who wouldn't love a trip with you Davis girls?

  2. Rebekah, you are SO funny!! I love reading your blog! I didn't know Leigh Anne was a friend of your mom's! I love her! I have known her since 7th grade. This trip looks like SO MUCH FUN!!! I am so glad you got to see your mom and sisters!!! YAY!!

  3. way fun!!! want to do this with my mom and sisters now... big time. the puma shoe picture makes me laugh over and over and over:)
