Thursday, January 14, 2010

And it's Thursday ... right?

Who knew 45 degrees could feel like such a heat wave?? We've been so used to the frigid 20ish and below temperatures that I almost forgot what it was like to leave the house without my kids bundled up so tightly they were almost losing circulation. Terrible. One more reason I hate winter. Summertime is just so much easier ... ahh- I heart summer.
Lately Avery has been saying the. funniest. things. ever. I mean, every day she just makes me laugh my head off. It is absolutely impossible to be in any way mad at her.
Yesterday, we were in the bank drive-thru and I was trying to fill out the dang deposit slips that are seriously going to be the death of me. And, all of the sudden I hear Avery start screaming from the back seat, "Um, I need TWO chicken nuggets, and TWO kids meals, and TWO sprites for TWO dollars! THANK YOU!" She repeated this at least 6 times ... I tried to explain that they really only had lollipops, and sometimes popcorn- didn't go over well. So, I temporarily forgot about my January resolution that I wasn't going to get fast-food, except during happy hour ... Baby steps people. So, wheeled into Burger King and got them some burger shots with cheese, which I happen to love. ;)
Dalton is becoming more and more in love with being naked. He is constantly removing his diaper and now that he has figured out how to take his pants off as well ... we're in trouble. He is so proud of himself when he finally strips all of his clothes off ... grins from ear to ear and belly laughs. He's such a mess.
I have decided that we are getting haircuts this week, however we've kind of been in and out of the little stomach bugs going around and haven't made it to LR yet. I feel like I need my mom or someone to go with me to get their hair cut, it seems like it would be just too hard to go by myself. This will be their first haircuts, I'm kind of sad about it ... but it will be fine.
Pics to come!


1 comment:

  1. You.are.the.BEST.Mommy.ever.
    ...and I love you! What a fun little read :) as I am home alone with my crew!! xo
