Thursday, October 29, 2009

This and That.

So ... I'm kind of in a blog rut. I'm pretty sure that nothing ever feels "blog-worthy" these days. It all can seem pretty monotanous. Here are some of the things that seem funny/interesting/happy as of late.

- Today Avery brought me her baby bible and said, "Mama, Let's sit in a circle and read the bible." Obviously I all but threw my phone across the room to hurry and sit down beside her as she preceeded to tell me all about David and the Giant ... LOVE her.

- Yesterday I was making cupcakes for our Arbonne Open House, they were Mandy's Pumpkin Cupcakes and were nothing short of divine ... Anyway, I made my first dozen and kept looking at them like something was wrong ... there was. I forgot the flour. Dangit. I redeemed myself with the next batches, and have been eating on them all day. That was until Avery got the box down off the counter and she and Dalton ate all of the icing off of them. Lovely.

- Avery called Dalton, "Dalton" for the first time today. On our desktop wallpaper it's just one huge collage of about 20 pictures and Avery loves to point out and say what she is doing in all of the different pictures, "I'm at Dede's house, I'm at the park, It's my birthday, Bubba's drinking juice." But today she pointed at Dalton and said, "Dalton drinking his juice." (Normally she would say "Bubba.") Milestone.

- Dalton has started giving the world's best hugs. He wraps his arms around my neck super tight, pats my back, and lays his head down. Yummy.

- I recently got Dalton a little down comforter for his crib. He has become infatuated with covering up on the couch, or in our bed, so I knew he would like it. It's a HUGE hit. When I lay him down in his bed, he snuggles under it and goes right to sleep. Mama's boy.

- Dalton is getting to where I can tell him to do something or go get something and he knows what I'm talking about. He can't say it or anything, but we're making progress.

- It's been raining for days. We had one pretty day yesterday, but I feel like it's just been overall yucky for a while. Wearing me out. We were able to play outside yesterday for a while and the kiddos just loved it. I had almost forgotten how great it was. Hopefully it gets into a pretty groove again, soon.

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