Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What an Awesome God We Serve

Right now I am doing a bible study called "Discerning the Voice of God," by Priscilla Shirer. It is absolutely fantastic and I really feel like I am learning so much about God and how He speaks to us. Last night we were watching the video and she was speaking on how we are all looking for different things and she started talking about God and how throughout the Bible He reveals more and more about Himself and how He truly is EVERYTHING we need. As she started going through how every Book of the Bible revealed different amazing qualities of the Lord tears filled the eyes of all of us because it was so amazing to hear!! We all were in AWE of the power of God. My mom told me it was a song and so I searched it out on-line and found it. I sent it out to all my e-mail contacts, but loved it so much I thought I'd post it on here too... SO ENJOY!! It was so much better to actually HEAR the passion and strength that she recited this with... but reading it is pretty powerful too. I just thought it was AMAZING

In Genesis, He is the Breath of life.

In Exodus, our Passover Lamb.
In Leviticus, our Great High Priest.In Numbers, Fire by night.
In Deuteronomy He is Moses' voice.
In Joshua, Salvation's choice.
In Judges, He is the Law Giver.
In Ruth, our Kinsman Redeemer.
In 1 and 2 Samuel, He is the Trusted Prophet.
In 1 and 2 Kings and
1 and 2 Chronicles, the Sovereign One.
In Ezra, He is the True and Faithful Scribe.
In Nehemiah, the Rebuilder of broken walls and lives.
In Esther, He is our courage.
In Job, the Timeless Redeemer.
In Psalms, He is our Morning Song.
In Proverbs, Wisdom's Cry.
In Ecclesiastes, He is the Times and Seasons.
In Song of Solomon, the Lover's Dream.
In Isaiah, He is the Prince of Peace.
In Jeremiah, the Weeping Prophet.
In Lamentations, He is the Cry for Israel.
In Ezekiel, the Call from sin.
In Daniel, He is the Stranger in the Fire.
In Hosea, He is Forever Faithful.
In Joel, He is the Spirit's Power.
In Amos, He is the Arms that carry us.
In Obadiah, our Lord and Saviour.
In Jonah, He is the Great Missionary.
In Micah, the Promise of peace.
In Nahum, He is our Strength and Shield.
In Habbakuk and Zephaniah, He is pleading for revival.
In Haggai, He restores our lost heritage.
In Zechariah, He is the Fountain.
In Malachi, the Sun of Righteousness arising with healing in His wings.
And that's just the OLD TESTAMENT!!!!

In Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, He is God, Man and Messiah.
In Acts, He is the Fire from heaven.
In Romans, He is the Grace of God.
In Corinthians, the Power of Love.
In Galatians, He is Freedom from the curse of sin.
In Ephesians, He is our Glorious Treasure.
In Philippians, the Servant's Heart.
In Colossians, He is the Godhead Trinity.
In 1 and 2 Thessalonians, He is the Coming King.
In Timothy, Titus and Philemon, He is our Mediator and Faithful Pastor.
In Hebrews, the Everlasting Covenant.
In James, He is the One who heals the sick.
In Peter, He is the Shepherd.
In John and Jude, He is the Lover coming for His Bride.
In Revelation, He is King of Kings and Lord of lords.

He is the Prince of Peace, the Son of Man.The Lamb of God, the Great I Am.The Alpha and Omega, our God and Saviour.Jesus Christ the Lord.And when time is no more. . .He still is!

There are 66 books in the Bible;There are 1,189 chapters;There are 31,373 verses;There are 773,692 words;There are 3,580,483 letters?
Can read the Bible in one year by reading three chapters on weekdays and five chapters on Sundays?
In the stillness of the morning,Before a busy day of care how sweet to be alone with God,Through His Holy Word and prayer.
God speaks to those who take the time to listen.

I hope this gave you even a little bit of the encouragement it gave me- How exciting it is to know what an AWESOME GOD we serve!!! Someone told me this is a song as well ... check it out!

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