Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bittersweet Weekend

This weekend was full of highs and lows ....

We played hard again all day Saturday. Sarah Baker and I went to a little girl clothes show at Jan Collins house for a line she was showing, "Matilda Jane." We got Avery some super cute stuff- kinda like Anthropologie for kids. Sarah Baker got Avery some shorts for her birthday that are the most precious things ever:


How stinkin' cute are they?

Aaron was out at the baseball fields so we went over to Aunt Mandy's (Aaron's Aunt Mandy) for a little while. Mandy has a little girl, Maci, who I post pics of all the time, but don't know if I've ever said who she was. A couple of weeks ago they went to Disney World for Maci's birthday and while they were there they got Avery a surprise. We had a grand ole' time and Avery was thrilled about her new princess dress! Avery and Maci had a great time "discussing" whether they should twirl in the yard or ride the little John Deere truck through the yard. After a tail-gate-spaghetti supper- picnic and bath time we ventured home to see "Da-da" for the first time all weekend :( Somehow I ended up still awake at 2 o'clock in the morning.
Here are some pics from our fun-filled Sat night.

Miss Maci ... she's so shy! ;)

Avery escaped before I could get her diaper on!


Bubba is thinking how silly these crazy girls are!

On Sunday we took the kids out to Hot Springs Village, where Aaron's parents live to play in the sun and sand on Lake Balboa. The kids just ate it up. It was really fun! However in my attempt to make sure they were covered in lots and lots of sunscreen, I managed to forget to put it on myself... I'm this color RED. Bad deal. Everytime Aaron tries to give me a hug or even sit anywhere close to me, I squeal because I am just burned to a CRISP! Here are some pics of us at the lake ... I am SOOOO excited summer is inching closer our way.

Please notice how I'm practically as white as my tank top here .... what was I thinking?!?!

He was loving his mandarin oranges and being outside ... so messy!!

Bubba loves kisses from Maw!

Working on his walking!!

My messy mohawked boy! He had lots of sunscreen in his hair!

I don't think they moved from this spot all day!

I have no words.

They both just LOVED the sand!!

They are both about to cash out. I think all three of us were asleep before we pulled out of the parking lot... Poor Aaron!

This weekend was bittersweet because Sunday afternoon I got a call that one of my best friends, Morgan, mom was dying. She had been in the hospital since April 1 for a routine valve replacement that she had had before with no problem. Mrs. Balwanz had had a tough time in surgery and several things went wrong over the last month in recovery. She really never woke up. I spent all of Sunday night at the hospital and was just brokenhearted for my friend and her family. Morgan and Derrick got married March 21 .... I posted pics of their wedding weekend. They got back from their honeymoon on a Sunday night and her mom's surgery was the following Wednesday morning. Derrick has been so awesome through the whole ordeal. I know Morgan is so glad to have him. I have just never felt more helpless. I know there is nothing to do or say ... I just want to be of some comfort to her. Morgan updated a blog site caringbridge.org/visit/carolbalwanz several times daily and in the last month almost 30,000 visits have been made to the site. Morgan's faith and trust in God's will for her family have been amazing and such a ministry to me. I just love Morgan so much. Please pray for their sweet family during this tough time.

The Balwanz Family on Morgan and Derrick's Wedding Day, March 21, 2009.

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