Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Sore Thumb

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."

Ephesians 4:29 (NIV)

What is it with women and wanting to gossip? Seriously how does it happen and how do so many of us carry on with it or just let it slide. It can be so destructive. I really think this very thing butchered my community group.

This past week in my bible study, He Speaks To Me, by Priscilla Shirer, we have been talking about being Set Apart. She challenged us to be set apart in every area, to be sticking out like sore thumbs in our communities and groups of friends. To me, women who DON'T speak badly about others are set apart immediately in my mind. This morning at church our pastor challenged us to pick up our cross and carry it with us, not run back to it to ask for forgiveness after we sin. I thought about what areas of my life weren't completely in line with Christ, where I was confessing the most. Gossip hit me hard. I want to be someone that never speaks badly of others. That to me is one of the best qualities in others and that is something that I really want to embody. I chose my memory verse for March 1-15 to be Ephesians 4:29. I want to really dwell on this verse and pray that God will remind me of it daily, especially if anything "unwholesome" shows up in my conversation. So ladies, keep me accountable here! If you hear me saying anything in my convos or even on my blog, just throw out an "Eph. 4:29" my way ... I need it!


  1. I saw your recommendation on the LPM blog and I'm going to have to find some time and read it!

    Great blog too by the way.

  2. Oh girl... I love your blog. I've been praying through this same scripture. I found two more that the Lord brings to my heart whenever my flesh wants to rear it's ugly head- I think you'll enjoy them.
    Prov. 18:8 and 2 Tim. 2:16.

    Thanks for sharing your heart!
